Page 27 of Fate Loves

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“We were in the same apartment, right?” I chuckle and it makes Presley jump. “You wake her up and I will cut you,” she warns, her voice hushed but clipped. Addison gently shakes the baby in her arms until she settles back down. Presley sucks her green nipple thing again.

“What is that thing called again?” I stick my finger inside the nipple area.

“A pacifier.”

“Whoever named that thing was a genius,” I say, watching in awe as she sucks on my finger.

“I’m thinking they were a genius because they created it,” Brooks states, coming into the living room and lying across the other couch. “I plan on buying stock in the company.”

Sydney leans down over the couch in between Addison and me. “I’m out of here. If you need me, you know where to find me.”

“Thanks, Syd,” Addison says.

Sydney says goodbye and leaves. Brooks watches Addison from the couch. He looks exhausted. “I’m sorry for calling you,” he says. “I know all the shit you’ve been through, and I’ve been an asshole not calling you back. I needed time to process things. But when Presley wouldn’t stop crying, I just didn’t know who to call.”

“I’m glad you did. This little girl has nothing to do with the decisions her mother made, so please don’t think I’d ever have any bad feelings toward her.” She looks down at Presley. “How could I? She’s an angel.”

“She is. I just panicked. I knew I was doing something wrong, but I couldn’t figure out what it was. Thank you for calling Sydney.”

“I told you, baby freaking whisperer. Have you heard anything about Jessie?” Addison asks quietly. Guilt riddles Addison and it’ll eat her alive if she lets it. It kills me how much she blames herself for everything that happens.

“Her parents are keeping in contact with me. They are trying to have her sent to a facility in California for treatment.”

“California?” I ask.

“I guess. I didn’t ask questions. They want to be able to see Presley, so they are being extremely nice right now.” He puts his hands behind his head and closes his eyes. He passes out cold in a matter of minutes. I grab the remote and turn the television on, putting on a college football game but making sure to keep the volume down.

We stay until Presley starts getting fussy. Addison tells Brooks that we’ll stay and feed her so he can sleep a little more, but he insists that his hour and a half nap felt refreshing and he’s good now.

I shake his hand, patting him on the back. “Good luck, man.” I don’t envy him. I want kids, but not by myself.

He chuckles. “Thanks. I think I’ll need it.” He looks at Addison. “Thanks so much for coming to my rescue,” he tells Addison as she gives him a hug.

“Anytime,” she murmurs.

Chapter ten

My head is plastered to the desk, and I slap my hands down in frustration. How does this happen? I know how it happens. Someone got sloppy.

“It’s okay, we’ll find another way,” Harper says, sighing. She’s as pissed as I am, she just knows how to control it better. We just received news the lab contaminated a piece of evidence we gathered last week. A very important piece of evidence: the one drop of blood that could have given us a lead on the case, but it’s worthless now because someone screwed up.

I pull my head up and stare at Harper. “This day sucks.” She nods in agreement. “I started my day with Aiden pushing the wedding topic again.” I roll my eyes. I’ve been so damn busy with work and we’ve only just started to get into a routine with Lexi and school that I haven’t even had time to think about it. I suck at being a fiancée.

“Well…” she starts.

I put my hand up, stopping her. “Don’t,” I say, narrowing my eyes. “I don’t need to hear it from you, too. I know I need to start planning it.”

“Just hire a wedding planner.”

I let her suggestion roll around in my head. Why the hell didn’t I think of this? “That is a great idea. Know any?”

Her lips twist as she thinks. “Hmm. No, but I think when Alyssa got married a few months ago, she used someone. You should ask her if she liked the woman.” I grab a sticky note and jot down Alyssa’s name and stick it on the bottom of my computer screen, pressing my finger across the sticky part so it’ll stay.

“I’ll call her later. Now, we have to figure out how to fix this problem.” I pick up a folder sitting to the side and slam it down in front of me. “It’s going to be a long day,” I say as I open it and start reading the contents.

By five o’clock my head hurts from looking through all the pictures and evidence. The sound of a male clearing his throat gets my attention, and Harper and I look up. Aiden leans against the doorway of my office with his hands in his pockets. He’s wearing a black suit and green tie that makes his eyes look even more vibrant. Hello, gorgeous! He’s a sight for these sore eyes.

My lips slowly form a smile. There’s something about him being in a suit and tie that makes my insides heat up. Memories of using those ties race through my mind. He flashes a knowing smile as he watches me cross my legs. I look away, feeling the heat in my cheeks, and start cleaning up the paperwork on my desk. Aiden chuckles. Harper stands up and stretches.

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