Page 13 of Fate Loves

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“She just can’t see Jessie lying to you about the baby,” Ryan says apologetically.

“What do you think?” I ask, staring at him right in the eyes.

“At first, I didn’t know. I saw her leave your house, Aiden. I know she was there. But the fact she’s two weeks late, supposedly, and now trying to delay a DNA test, I have my suspicions, too.”

I nod and scrub my hand over my face. “Have either of you thought about if Presley isn’t mine…what could be the reason she did all this, other than to cause a lot of problems between Addison and me? She had to know I would run a DNA test.”

“Hmm…” Max says, sitting back in his chair, arms crossed. “I’ve tried, but I’m coming up blank. She’s gone through a lot of trouble to make you think Presley is yours and to have it blow up that fast seems too easy.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

“Not much we can do about it other than wait it out,” Ryan states matter-of-factly. I’m not sure how much more waiting it out I can take.

“Can we talk about something else?”

“I hear Jaxon is going to Florida next month for a couple weeks.” Amusement fills Ryan’s face.

“You’re an asshole.” I chuckle. As much as I hate Jaxon and my sister together, there are bigger problems in my life right now. “I guess if my sister is going to fall in love with someone, at least it’s with someone I trust.”

“Wow,” Ryan says, surprised. “I never thought I’d hear those words come out of your mouth.” I shrug. Katie’s an adult now, and I can’t stop her from loving someone, even if it’s one of my best friends. He’s fully aware if he hurts her, he’ll have to deal with all of us.

We bullshit the rest of the morning while we wait. The guys try to keep the conversation light, but no matter what, they can’t lighten the load straining my body. My knee bounces up and down in anticipation. I’ve looked at my phone a million times, even though it sits on the table, laying right side up. Even if I weren’t paying attention to it, I still wouldn’t miss a call or a text because it’s right in front of my face.

I sigh, looking at it again. I wish Addison would call me. Should I call her? I’ve already brought so much shit to her door with Jessie, I don’t know. She’s been amazing being there for me these last couple weeks. Especially after I got my head out of my ass.

“Just call her,” Max says in his no-nonsense voice. I glare at him. It’s not that simple, is it? He lifts his brow as if to tell me, yes, it is that simple. I growl, snatching my phone off the table as I push up out of the chair. I hear laughter behind me as I walk out of the sliding doors. Bastards.

“Hi,” Addison answers quickly. I close my eyes and lean against the building, savoring her sweet southern accent.

“Hey, beautiful,” I say, soberly.

“How’s it going?”

I sigh. “It’s supposedly going.”

“You’re not in there with her?” She sounds surprised. My shoulders drop. Fuck. Is that what she’s been thinking all morning?

“No, Addison. The only person I’m going to experience that with is you.” Silence fills the phone line for a few moments. Why isn’t she saying anything? “Sweetheart?”

She clears her throat. “Sorry.” I can hear the emotion in her voice. “I just…I just had this picture in my head…”

“I’m sorry. I should’ve called you earlier,” I say quickly. “I just had to calm down a bit. Max and Ryan are here with me.”

“Why were you upset?”

I groan in frustration. “Jessie’s threatening not to do a DNA test.”

She lets out an audible gasp. “I knew it! I knew once the time came she would start with excuses. She is so predictable. You know why she’s doing it, right?” she asks, her voice escalated with each word.

“Yes.” I sigh heavily.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m taking care of it. We’ll know by tomorrow.”

“Got it,” she says in understanding. “I love you, Aiden, no matter what.”

“I love you, too, Addison. I’ll call you with an update later.”

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