Page 74 of Fate Heals

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“She’s fine, Addison.”

“She’s drunk.”

“She is not. She hasn’t had anything to drink for the last couple hours.”


I put my finger on her lips. “Shh. She’s fine,” I say, lifting her out of bed. “But we don’t need to listen to what’s about to happen.”

I grab some pillows and give them to Addison to hold. Grabbing a blanket, I head out to the patio.

Addison rolls her eyes. “I lived with the girl for years, there isn’t anything I haven’t heard already.”

I laugh, placing Addison down on the lounger. I put some wood in the fire pit and start it again.

“What are you laughing at?” She narrows her eyes at me.

“They’ll definitely be some different noises tonight.”

She jerks her head back a little. “What do you mean?”

“Let’s just say, Max is probably a little more creative than Syd’s usual guys.”

“What the hell does that mean?” she questions. “Oh, my God. Max, too?” her voice rises.

“Max, too, what?” I ask in confusion.

“You and Max,” she whispers.

“Hell no,” I bark out and laugh.

“Then how do you know?” she asks, lifting a brow.

“Woman, I’ve known Max almost my whole life. I know.”

I lie down beside her, covering us up. She rolls into me and snuggles into my side, putting her head on my shoulder. I feel her take a big breath in through her nose and then relax. Her hand goes up my shirt, and she rests it on my bare chest.

“I need to hear stories about Aiden and Max in the early years. You guys never talk about growing up. You say Syd and I were probably troublemakers, but I’m pretty sure we’d be angels compared to you two,” she says, snickering.

I think back to our high school years and laugh out loud. “Baby, we probably made the Devil look innocent.”

“Y’all were that bad, huh?”

“You don’t even want to know.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “I do want to know. But I’ll let it go for now.”

Addison snuggles against me, and we stare up to the stars. Tonight’s the perfect night to sleep under the stars. Bright moon, millions of stars, and the sound of the ocean waves are the perfect trifecta to fall asleep.

“It’s beautiful tonight,” she says, mirroring my thoughts. Her voice is filled with exhaustion. She’s had an emotional day. I start singing softly.

She looks up at me. “Are you singing Adam Levine?” I can feel her stomach muscles tighten with laughter. I nod. “Your register is a lot sexier. Deep and masculine. It’s beautiful,” she says, laying her head back down.

I continue my version of “Lost Stars” by Adam Levine until I feel her breathing even out and her body relax as sleep takes her over. It pulls me under not too long after.

“Where’s the touch-up paint?” I ask Aiden. The guys are fixing the holes. I feel a little bad about us girls enjoying the sun while the men work. In my defense, I keep asking to help and he won’t let me.

He looks up from plastering a hole and gives me a pointed stare. “I told you already that you don’t need to help. Go enjoy the sun.”

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