Page 54 of Fate Heals

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“You’re going. End of discussion. Let’s go,” I say, picking up my bag.

“Wow. You’re sounding more like a mom every day.” She scrunches her nose at me, picking up her bag. I don’t know why, but hearing that makes me miss Lexi. I’ve talked with her already this morning, and she’s loving every second on the ranch. Hearing her tell me that she misses me pulls at strings I’m not even aware I had. Feelings that make me questions things.

I file those away for another day. They won’t be answered today. Aiden comes up and hugs me, and I melt into his arms. Memories of last night run through my mind. I shiver, remembering how worshipped I felt. My memories of that horrific night are slowly being replaced and pushed back into a dark place I’ll never let see the light of day again. I know I’ll never be able to forget those ten days, but the pain associated with the memory will eventually disappear. Time will heal my mind.

Aiden will heal my heart.

Aiden pulls me from my thoughts. “Sweetheart, as much as I love you in my arms, we need to leave.” He presses his lips to my forehead and whispers, “I love you.”

“Yes, because I’m already starting to feel like a third wheel,” Sydney says sarcastically.

The car ride is definitely not as eventful as the first time we drove up. I can tell Aiden is thinking about it, too, from his wicked smile and wagging eyebrows, his hand squeezing my thigh when we pass the spot where he pulled over when I had my mouth on his cock.

The memory sends heat straight down to my core, making me wiggle a little in my seat. His laugh is deep and sexy. The car’s atmosphere turns electric, evident by the exaggerated sigh coming from the back seat. I feel bad at first, then remembered all the times I had been subjected to the screaming of her current boyfriend’s name in the middle of the night during our college years. Yep, don’t feel bad anymore.

Syd’s eyes get huge when we park, and she notices the plane. “We’re going up in that thing?”

“Did you think we were going up in a seven-thirty-seven?” Aiden jokes.

“No … but I guess I thought it’d be bigger than that,” she says, pointing to the plane. I wrap my arms through hers as we walk to the hangar. I can tell she’s getting more nervous by the way she’s biting her fingernails.

“Why aren’t you dating anyone?” The memory of hearing her sex noises throughout the night make me realize she hasn’t mentioned any boyfriends since I’ve been back. Granted, it’s only been a couple months, and I’ve been busy with Lexi, but I’m hoping it’s not something I just missed.

“I’ve been on a couple dates.” She shrugs. “I just haven’t really had a connection with any of them. It just hasn’t been a priority these past few months.”

I sigh and my shoulders drop. I hate knowing people put their lives on hold because of me.

“Don’t think it’s been all about you, girlfriend.” She laughs as she bumps my hip with hers. “I had a new job, moved to a new city. I had a lot going on.” The new job she almost lost because she was flying back and forth to see me. “Addison Grace Mason,” she says sternly, stopping me. She had to go there, didn’t she? It’s been years since she’s used my whole name. I think the last time was when I learned Amy wasn’t my real aunt. Her big, ice-blue eyes look up at me. “Stop. Right now. You would have done the same thing for me.” I nod, knowing she’s right. I would have fought with everything I had to find her. “You have so many people who love you. You need to stop thinking you’re alone in the world, because you’re not. People worry about you, deal with it.”

She spins on her foot and pulls me forward again. I squeeze her arm. “I love you, Syd,” I whisper, blinking back the tears that are forming.

She replies softly without looking at me, “I love you, too, Addie.”

Aiden kept walking while we stopped. Smart man. He’s talking to Max up ahead. I smile to myself, thinking that Syd is right. I have so many friends who have become my family. Since my mom died, it’s always been hard for me to lean on people. If I didn’t get too close, I couldn’t get hurt when they left. I learned to just rely on myself. Not let people in. Syd wiggled her way in and never left.

I think about the people in my life now and I know that I would do anything for them, and they would do anything for me.

When we walk up to the guys, Max looks at me and says, “You okay?” The concern in his voice just reiterates my previous thoughts.

“I’m good. Just ready to jump.” I look at Aiden. I’m ready to jump with him. Wherever it leads. If anyone should know how life is so unpredictable, it’s me. I’m not wasting it anymore. Aiden flashes a knowing smile and pulls me in for a tight embrace.

“It’s just you and me, sweetheart,” he whispers in my ear. My hands squeeze around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

Max clears his throat, “So, it looks like you’re with me, Tink.” I pull back from Aiden and laugh loudly. He thinks her nickname is Tink?

Syd sighs loudly. “Tell me again why I’m putting my life in the hands of this man?” she asks, gesturing to Max with her hands.

“No, I think he’s just remembering me telling him you looked like Tinkerbell.” I giggle.

“Uh-uh, he knows darn well that is not my nickname. He’s just being an ass.” Syd rolls her eyes. Max barks out a loud laugh. What the hell? I didn’t know Max and Syd really knew each other.

“Your boyfriend going to be mad you’re jumping with me?” he asks with amusement.

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Syd exclaims with her hand on her hip.

“Max,” Aiden says, “seems Damon is dating someone he met online.”

“No shit,” Max says, looking down at Syd who’s crossing her arms and has a red face.

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