Page 41 of Fate Heals

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“I am not staying there with her,” she states matter-of-factly. “I’m coming back to help with the case.”

“Addison, that’s not your job.”

“Actually, we have his DNA now, so yes, it is my job,” she says, her voice hardening. She stands in front of me with her hands on her hips and she bites the inside of her cheek. She’s so seductively hot when she gets mad, and she has no idea.

I grab her by the upper arms and lean down in her face. “You frustrate me, woman,” I growl.

“Hey, pot, meet kettle,” she says sarcastically, standing taller.

I let her go and pace the room. “Fine. Don’t stay,” I say, throwing my hands up in the air.

“Now that we got that out of the way …” she says while I shake my head in defeat, “did you call my aunt, too?”


“I bet she is so excited to meet Lexi,” she says excitedly. “Lexi will love it there with the horses and cows.” My resolve dissipates seeing how excited Addison is. I just wish she was excited enough to stay with Lexi and show her everything herself. I should have known better.

“Well, since you felt the need to make us leave at the ass-crack of dawn, I need to go to sleep.” Addison jokes as she walks toward the spare bedroom.

“Where are you headed?” I ask, following her.

“Making sure you have everything you need in here,” she says, stopping in the doorway.

“I’m not sleeping in there.”

She tilts her head. “Um …” She pauses, looking up toward the ceiling. She’s flustered, and I love it. Looking back to me, she exhales quickly and says, “So, where are you planning on sleeping?”

“Are you hoping I’m going to say in your bed?” I whisper in her ear. I see her body shiver. Not that I would, but her reaction makes my dick stand at attention.

“No,” she says, her voice vibrating. She pushes me away as a blush creeps up her cheeks.

I wink. “Sweetheart, I’m sleeping on the couch. This is too far away from you and Lexi.”

She turns to walk away. “You can figure it out, I’ll see you in the morning.” I watch her sexy ass sway, and I’d bet a million dollars that she’s swaying a little more right now, knowing I’m watching.

“So gorgeous,” I whisper.

She stops in the doorway, looks over her shoulders, and blows me a kiss. I don’t want to look like a fool and act like I grab it, but I want to.

My alarm goes off way too early for me. I set it to vibrate, hoping not to wake up Lexi. I lie in bed a little longer, staring at the ceiling. I blow out my cheeks letting out a silent breath, thinking about last night. So my body definitely isn’t broken.

It still feels.

It still reacts.

It still wants.

And it all begins and ends with Aiden. But I’m scared. Scared that when he touches me, I’ll go back to that hell. That my mind will take me prisoner again. It would ruin me. Ruin us.

I shake the thoughts from my head. I can’t think about that right now. I look over to Lexi, sleeping peacefully. She woke up once last night, screaming “no” over and over. It’s something I’m used to, but Aiden, he about had a heart attack running in here, gun drawn ready to attack. I silently giggle, remembering it.

Noise in the living room reminds me that I should be getting up. I slip on my robe and walk out of my room. I’m startled and let out a small scream at the sight of a man who isn’t Aiden. It’s not even light enough outside to brighten my living room and only the kitchen light is on. My reaction happens before I notice that it’s Max. I pick up a pillow from my couch and hit him with it.

“Geez, you scared the crap out of me.”

“Not my fault you’re jumpy,” he says jokingly, but he winces as soon as he says it. “Sorry,” he says, stuffing his pockets with his hands.

“It’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

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