Page 24 of Fate Heals

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Katie tells us she has to go to make her flight. I give her a hug. “Thank you so much for finding me. I loved meeting you,” I say.

Her hug tightens around me before she pulls back. “If you ever need to talk to someone who knows how you’re feeling, please call me,” she says softly. I’m taken aback by what she says. Her lips curl up slightly and she nods. “They tell you to go to group sessions, but I always found those depressing.”

Oh, my God. Katie was raped? Does Aiden know? Does Max know? So many questions run through my head.

“He doesn’t know,” she says quietly, looking away. “He’s already an overprotective brother. It would have just made things a lot worse. But really, if you need to talk, I’m here to listen.”

I hug her again. “Thank you.”

We hail a cab for her and wave as she leaves. “I like her,” Sydney says, leaning into me. I nod. Me, too. “Who I don’t like is Marco.” She pulls me down the street. I sigh loudly. “Addison, why can’t you see it?”

I shrug. “See what? He’s just a concerned friend. He’s been nothing but nice to me.”

“He hovered the whole lunch. More so this time than in the past. And that hug in the beginning. Anyone could see how uncomfortable you were, but he just hugs you tighter,” Syd exclaims.

I shake my head. She’s being overly dramatic. All I know is today was a good day. I felt normal. A step in the right direction. Maybe time is just moving slower for me, but it’s definitely moving.

“I’ll call you when I’m done running, Syd,” I say into the phone, holding it between my shoulder and my ear while I tie my shoe. We hang up and I put my cell phone and gun into a special running belt under my shirt. I double-check that they are both in there snug before heading out to Central Park. The constant feeling that someone is following me has slowly subsided, but I feel more at ease knowing I have my gun.

The air is crisp this spring morning. I’d gotten used to the sticky, spring air in Texas; I’d already be sweating just stretching. As I sit on the grass and stretch my legs, I watch people run past me, lost in their own world. Do they know how lucky they are to be able to do that? Will I ever feel that safe again? Have I ever truly felt that sense of security? I reflect on my life, and I think the last time I felt that way was right before my mom was murdered.

I glance around one last time before sticking one earbud in my ear and turning on my music. I push off the ground and wait until a couple runners pass before jogging behind them. Selena Gomez’s “It Ain’t Me” blares into one ear. I find the rhythm and my feet fall into pace with it. Working with Tony again has improved my endurance running stamina. Running a marathon has crossed my mind. For a quick second. I’m not sure I would enjoy running for that long. I start out my run around the reservoir. The view is unbelievable. I’ve missed the magnificent skyline of Manhattan, but the best part of the view is the blooming cherry blossom trees. They are like puffs of cotton candy against the blue sky. Running along the east side of the reservoir, tiny pink and white petals dust the trail. For a few moments I feel like a princess from a fairy tale, running under the light shower of petals. I always laugh to myself, thinking a squirrel is going to come out and be able to talk to me. Then I pass the pretty trees and I’m back to reality.

I hum the tune of the song as I run along the path. I’m back to my starting point so I know I’ve gone a little over a mile and a half. I usually veer off and take a different path through wooded areas, but something inside of me tells me to stay on this path. I pull out my earbud and strain to listen to everything around me. I keep my pace, but the feeling of someone following me makes me uneasy. I shake my head and roll my eyes. Of course someone is following me. I mean, I’m on a freaking jogging path; there are probably a hundred people behind me. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my irrational nerves.

I put my earbud in again, hoping I can drown the feelings I’m having with music and get back into a groove. It doesn’t work. Instead, there are heavy footsteps behind me that drown out everything else. It’s all I hear. Even my heartbeat matches the vibrations of the steps. I don’t know if I’m imagining the increase of both or if I’m going crazy. There are a lot of people out here; nothing is going to happen to me. Reaching under my shirt, I run my thumb along my gun to make sure it’s still there. I know I’m being ridiculous as my blood simmers with anxiety.

I tell myself to pull off to the side, but my body is afraid of what might happen if I stop moving. I glance at the bench coming up and decide I’m stopping. I sit at the last second before passing it and a tall man plops right down next to me so close we’re almost touching, causing me to scream and jump up.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Marco says, standing up. I grab my frantic heart, beating so fast that I think I might pass out. “Here, sit down.” He guides me back to the bench and helps me sit. I take in deep breaths, blowing them out slowly.

When I’m able to talk, I look at Marco sitting next to me. “Holy shit, you scared me.” My eyes dart over his body, relieved to see that he’s wearing basketball shorts and a sweat-covered shirt. He’s running, just like me. Just like the hundreds of other people here. I cover my eyes with my hand to hide my embarrassment. “I’m sorry,” I say with my head down.

Marco’s hand rubs my back. “It’s okay, beautiful. Nothing to be ashamed of.”

My back straightens from the unexpected feel of his hand. Standing up quickly, I look down at him. “So, do you run here often?” I quickly blurt out. Marco chuckles. I close my eyes and sigh. Good one, Addison. Way to defuse the situation. Maybe next I can ask him if he has a map, because I keep getting lost in his eyes.

Marco sits back, laying his hand across the park bench, and his gaze moves up and down my body. His apparent gawking has me ready to turn and leave. “I come here sometimes,” he replies slowly when his eyes move back up and meet mine.

“How long were you behind me?” I ask, tilting my head, wishing he’d stop checking me out.

“Not long. As soon as I started, I saw you up ahead and I figured I’d catch up with you. But you’re faster than I thought,” he says as he runs his fingers through his wet hair, smiling wide. How the heck did he know it was me from behind? Is my ass that recognizable? Especially in the sea of people out this morning? I twist my lips and think about that for a couple seconds. Aiden swears he could pick out my ass anywhere…

“Well, it seems you’ve caught me on the tail end of my run,” I say, trying to sound sincere. I had planned on running another couple miles, but given the company, I’m not feeling it anymore. Marco rubs his bottom lip with his fingers, staring at me. I rock back and forth on my feet under his assessing eyes. When he stands up, he steps right in front of me.

“Beautiful Addison, go on a date with me,” he says. My eyes go wide in surprise. That’s the last thing I expected him to say. Although, I’m not sure why I’m surprised. He’s made it very clear that he likes me, but he’s never acted on it.

“Oh,” I say when he looks at me expectantly. “Um, Marco, you’re a great guy … but Aiden and I are still figuring things out.” It’s not a total lie. I manage a soft smile at the awkward moment. His eyes turn hard and he spins around. He takes a few steps and then whips around again. I wrap my arms around my waist when his eyes bore into mine.

“You are such a tease, Addison.”

“I’m sorry. What did you say?” I ask defensively. Talk about a one-eighty about face. I don’t know what the hell just happened with his attitude, but that was uncalled for. I have never given him any indication that I was interested in him.

“You know you want me. I can see it in your eyes every time you see me. Why don’t you just give me a chance?” His arms go out wide, like he’s waiting for me to run into them. My mouth gapes open as my head jerks back a bit. You know you want me? Oh, yeah, that’s a great way to get a girl to go out with you.

I take a couple seconds to pull myself together. I open my mouth and then slam it shut. Not quite ready. When I am, I try again. “Marco, I’ve been with Aiden almost the entire time we’ve known each other, so what have I ever done to tease you? I’ve always been nice to you because I thought we were friends. But that’s it.”

He takes a step toward me, and I hold up a hand stopping him from getting any closer. He looks down at my hand and a shadow falls over his face. He blinks a couple times, his temper erasing from his features. I narrow my eyes at him, watching him closely. He backs up. “Well, I feel like an idiot now. I’m sorry, Addison. I must have misread the situation.” He tries to sound apologetic but it comes out hollow.

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