Page 4 of Fate Hates

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Feeling somewhat like a normal person, I walk back to my bed. Syd brings me my drink and some banana bread. Now I’m feeling much better. Two police officers are my first visitors, which I’m sure isn’t a coincidence. I tell them everything that I remember, and they help fill in the blanks.

“The reason he wouldn’t go down is because he was on meth.” Well, that makes sense. I totally underestimated the dude. “After he threw you against the wall, we were told he picked up the gun and took a shot at you but was immediately shot by security. He was pronounced dead on the scene.” That explains why I heard two gunshots.

The other cop speaks, “We normally would tell you how much we discourage vigilante tactics, but I’m positive you’re going to hear it from our lieutenant.” He smirks. Smartass. There were definitely times having a lieutenant as my uncle came in handy, but probably not today. I have a feeling Uncle Ted is waiting outside my room right now, ready to pounce once the officers leave.

“He would have killed Frankie if I didn’t do anything.” I throw my hands in the air, feeling the need to defend myself. “He’s alive. I’m alive. The bad guy is dead.” I hear Sydney laugh from her corner. I direct my glare at her so she’ll be quiet. She laughs harder.

My suspicions about Ted are confirmed when he comes in immediately after the cops leave.

“Hi,” I say sweetly, smiling.

“Addie,” he firmly states. “What in the world were you thinking?”

“I know you heard me when you were listening to my statement with the police. If I hadn’t done anything, Frankie would’ve been killed.” I know what I did was stupid, but those words will never come out of my mouth. He walks over and pulls me into a tight embrace. Guilt flows through my body; I feel bad about worrying everyone. “I’m sorry, Ted,” I whisper into his chest.

“Addison, I’m not surprised by what you did, but you scared the shit out of all of us,” he says as he squeezes me tighter. “Can I change your mind about going into law enforcement?” he chuckles.

“A little too late for that,” I giggle.

Aunt Amy walks into the room, smiling. I guess she was eavesdropping, as well. Nosy people. She joins our hug. “I love you guys,” I say, squeezing them both.

The doctor walks in, breaking up our emotional reunion. They ask the doctor when I’ll be released and he replies that it will be later this afternoon. With this news they get ready to leave and tell me to call them when I get home. Sydney is still sitting in the corner, staring at the doctor.

“You still haven’t left, huh?”

My eyes widen at Dr. Parker’s audacity to talk to my friend like that. I’m about to tell him off when Sydney smiles wide.

She scrunches her nose. “You know you’re going to miss me when I leave.” She winks.

Winks? She’s flirting with him?

What the hell did I miss while I was unconscious. I’m looking between the two, back and forth. Something is definitely going on with them. I tilt my head, looking at Sydney with my eyebrows raised.

He shakes his head but doesn’t say anything in response. Dr. Parker steps over to me and takes my vitals. Shining a light in my eyes again, he asks how I’m feeling.

“Much better. A little tired though. Busy morning,” I say sarcastically.

“I guess that’s what happens when you try and play Superwoman,” he jokes, placing his stethoscope over my heart.

“I don’t need another lecture, Doc.” I sigh.

“Oh, I haven’t even begun.” I hear Syd bark out from her corner. The doctor lets out a loud laugh. I ignore her because there is nothing I can say that will stop the ensuing scolding from Sydney. She’s patiently waiting for her turn, which surprises me more than anything.

“Everything looks good, Addison, but you need to take it easy for twenty-four hours. If you feel dizzy, nauseous, or have vision problems, I need to see you back immediately. Also, you’ll need to go to your primary care physician to get your stitches out in ten days. I’ll leave your discharge papers with the nurse; she’ll come in and get you signed out. Do you have any questions for me?” he asks.

Yes, what is up with you and Syd?

Probably not the right time. Instead I shake my head. As he’s leaving the room, Howard taps on the door. Syd tells me that she’ll be back, and she follows the doctor out.

I stand up as Howard comes toward me. “Howie, I’m sorry I missed our dinner last night,” I say, right before he embraces me in a tight hug.

“Addison, when I rounded the corner and saw you lying on the ground trying to get up and then I saw him shoot you, my heart stopped.” His voice trembles. I squeeze my eyes shut as I sigh.

Suddenly, I remember what the cop had said about security shooting the guy. I lean back, looking up at Howard. “It was you?” I whisper.

“It took everything I had in me not to keep shooting the son of a bitch to make sure he was dead. Fortunately, all it took was one shot,” he says.

“Thank you,” I say, wrapping my arms around his waist.

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