Page 3 of Fate Hates

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“Fucking bitch! You broke my arm!” he screams as he jumps back up. Damn, he’s quick. He’s coming toward me so I kick his knee, sending him to the ground again screaming. I quickly glance at Frankie to see if he’s doing okay as I reach for the gun. I don’t even see the guy before he yanks me up and throws me against the wall like a rag doll.

I scream as my head slams against the marble floor. My vision blurs as I fight to gain consciousness. Trying to focus, I narrow my eyes. I see the asshole pick up the gun and point it at me. Frankie yells something. It sounds like I’m in a tunnel. My head hurts as I try to sit up. Warm liquid runs down my face and I can only assume it’s blood. My surroundings begin to fade when I hear two gun shots then everything goes black.

* * *

When I wake I’m lying on a stretcher being lifted into an ambulance. I struggle to focus and look around. “Addison, please lie still. You hit your head pretty hard. You were…” The voice keeps talking, but I can’t will myself to stay awake.

The next time I wake I’m in a bed. I move my hand and feel something attached to my arm. Familiar voices fill the room.

“Doctor, when the hell is she going to wake up?” Sydney says. Wow, she just cussed. She must be really upset.

“Shh… Sydney, it’s okay.” My aunt’s voice is filled with concern. “Doctor, can you tell us anything? She’s been out for hours.”

Hours? Last thing I remember was hitting my head. Well, that makes sense since my head is killing me. I open my eyes to the bright lights in the room then quickly squeeze them shut.

“Can someone please turn out the lights?” I whisper.

“Addie!” Sydney scream as she grabs my hand.

“Shh. Head hurts,” I whisper as I squeeze her hand. The brightness behind my eyelids goes away, so I slowly open my eyes again. There are just a few dimmed lights on now.

My aunt walks to my other side, grabbing my hand, too. “Addie, boy am I glad to see those beautiful blue eyes,” she whispers as she leans over and kisses my forehead.

“You know, if you didn’t want to go to Dean’s party, you didn’t have to go get yourself shot,” Syd says jokingly. I look over to my best friend, my brows furrowing with confusion.

“What the hell are you talking about? I wasn’t shot.” I lift my arms inspecting them and then start patting my chest. When I lift the covers I notice I have about ten stitches on my leg. What the hell? I look at her with huge eyes. “The fucker shot me?” I scream out in pain after sitting up too quickly.

Fuck! I press my hand to my head.

The doctor walks over and tells Sydney to wait over in the chair. I smile, knowing how persistent she can be and how much they must have had to deal with her since she got here.

“Hi, Addison. I’m Dr. Parker. I’m going to check all your vitals. Can you tell me your full name?” he says as he shines a light in my eyes. I answer all his questions while he looks me over. “Okay, you’re doing great so far. Can you tell me what you remember last?”

“I remember the asshole who wouldn’t go down throw me against the wall,” I say. “That’s about it. Oh, wait. I remember Frankie trying to talk to him.” The memory reminds me about Frankie. “Oh, my gosh, is Frankie okay?” I look at everyone in the room for an answer. The machine I’m hooked up to starts beeping faster.

“Relax, Addison,” the doctor says. “Frankie is doing fine. You don’t remember getting shot?”

I try to refocus my thoughts. “Um… I think I remember hearing two gunshots but nothing after that,” I reply.

“Well, luckily for you the asshole,” he says, using my sentiment, “wasn’t a good shot and the bullet grazed your leg. You’ll have a little scar but that’s it. Now, your head… that’s a different story. You took a pretty bad hit. You have a concussion and had to get a few stitches on your forehead. We’re going to keep you here for the night to monitor you.” He puts my chart under his arm and walks out. Before leaving the room, he turns to address Sydney. “She needs her rest. Try not to get her agitated, excited, or upset.” I giggle as she salutes the doctor. He just shakes his head as he walks out.

She immediately runs and lies down by my side, snuggling up to me. My aunt, still at my side and holding my hand, stands up from the chair placed by my bed. “Sweetie, you had us scared to death. I’m so happy you’re okay.” She leans over and kisses my forehead again. “I’m going to go out and tell everyone that you’re awake and doing alright, but you need your rest. They can come back tomorrow. I’ll be here first thing in the morning.” She squeezes my hand once more before letting go and walking out.

“Who is here?” I whisper to Syd.

“Um… Ted, who, by the way, is pissed at you for your hero antics.” We both giggle, knowing how Uncle Ted can get. “Howard, who is also pissed at you. My mom. Oh, and Jack, who I think is only here to make sure you don’t sue.” She quietly chuckles, which makes me smile.

“Have you heard what happened?” I ask, yawning.

“Addie, go to sleep, we’ll talk in the morning. Also, the police need your statement, so they’ll be back also,” she says.

It doesn’t take me long to fall asleep. Nurses come into my room to take my vitals and wake me numerous times during the night. Didn’t they say I needed rest?

This is definitely not rest.

Morning comes too quickly. My head doesn’t hurt as bad, but now my leg aches. I’m sitting up, getting ready to attempt to walk to the bathroom when Syd comes into the room holding my favorite drink: iced chai tea latte. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?” I say, grabbing a quick sip of my drink.

She laughs, taking the drink from me and helping me get out of bed. Thankfully, the nurses unhooked all the wires from me early this morning. “I brought you some comfy clothes to change into. And some bathroom stuff so you can clean up.” She brings the bag to the bathroom and shuts the door behind her.

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