Page 22 of Fate Hates

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The bags are filled with clothes, in my size, of course. There are quite a few different pieces, which I’m thankful for but begs the question how long they plan on keeping me here. The more I think about it, it’s a good thing Jett and I stopped when we did. My focus needs to be on getting out of here, not on a guy whom I will never see again. I pull out a pair of cotton shorts and a T-shirt, along with a pair of panties, and head for the shower.

Later that night as I lie in bed, memories of our “date” flood my thoughts. Jett promised me that I will be safe, that he won’t let anything happen to me. He seems sincere, but I can’t trust him.

So why am I okay with giving him my body?

He is the only one here who seems to be on my side. Addison, don’t be fooled by lust. He’s not going to be my knight in shining armor. Travis has placed Jett in my company as my entertainment while they figure out what they are going to do with me.

I want to believe that it’s not an act, but I would be stupid to act so naïve. I need to be smarter about this. Nothing will keep me from being free, even a gorgeous, green-eyed man who can light me on fire.

* * *

I wake up feeling refreshed. It probably helps that I’m not tied to the bed. Melanie walks into the room as I sit up.

“Good morning, Emily,” she says with a bright smile, placing breakfast on the table.

“Not sure it’s so good. I am still being held a prisoner,” I say sarcastically. I wonder if she knows that she’s an accessory to kidnapping? She’s dressed in all black again. She’s a beautiful, older lady, probably in her sixties.

She frowns. “I am sorry about that. I do hope that you are being treated well. Travis is a powerful businessman, but he doesn’t make it a habit of kidnapping women.” Her answer makes it seem like she has known Travis for a long time.

“How long have you worked with Travis?” My stomach growls as I walk over and sit down at the table.

Surprisingly, she sits down with me, glancing at me with loving eyes the way a grandmother would look at her grandkids. I look away from her. It makes me miss my own grandma. Makes me wish I had spent more time with her before she passed away. “I’ve known Travis since he was born. I was his nanny.” She smiles. I can tell she adores Travis. “He’s really not a bad man.”

“Could have fooled me. Usually nice guys don’t keep women locked up against their will.” My sarcasm is back.

“Not that I agree with what is going on, but I do know that he has his reasons.” She smiles genuinely at me.

Reasons? What the hell kind of reasons? Making sure he finishes the job he started thirteen years ago? I wonder if she knows he had my mother killed? I wonder if she would think he was such a good man after that?

“I’m sorry. I can see that I upset you.” She stands and squeezes my hand. “Please let me know if there is anything that I can get you to make this easier.” She begins to leave.

A quick thought of taking her down runs through my mind. Now that I know what it looks like outside this room it helps, but I’m sure Tweedledee and Tweedledum are right outside. And could I really hurt this lady? If people would just be a little meaner, I would have a lot more will to fight. This is what confuses me the most. I’ve read many cases of kidnapped victims and their stories when I was in college. This is not what is supposed to happen. I am thankful, but it confuses the hell out of me.

I’m still eating as the door opens again. There’s a flutter in my stomach hoping it’s Jett. My eyes dart to the door. Control yourself, Addison!

I drop my shoulders in disappointment but quickly hitch them up again as Travis walks in. I cross my arms and offer a fake smile. I’m sure I come across as a bitter juvenile.

“Emily, how are you this morning?” Travis asks nonchalantly.

Oh, just perfect, jackass. I squeeze the chair arms to keep me in place and stay quiet.

“I see that Jett has taken off the handcuffs. I do hope you won’t cause any problems with your newfound freedom.” He smirks. There is a warning in there.

I laugh. “Would you like me to thank you? Why are you keeping me here?” I ask, looking at him dead-on.

He smirks. Asshole. He walks toward the door but stops right before leaving. Not even turning around, he says, “I didn’t kill her.” There’s a hint of pain in his voice. And with that he walks out.

What? Did I hear that right?

One statement and my head feels like it’s going to explode with unanswered questions. He didn’t kill my mom? Does he know who I am? If he didn’t kill her, why is he keeping me here? Question after question fills my head. Why couldn’t he have stuck around to answer a few of them! The need to move around has me jumping out of my chair. Exercise has always helped clear my head. Looking around, the room is fairly large so I put on my tennis shoes and run around the room. I stop every ten minutes and do push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, and squats before running again. I really want to do some kickboxing, but I don’t want them to figure out exactly how skilled I am. I might need to use those skills in the near future. I make a mental note to ask for a clock.

After what seems about an hour, I’m sweaty and thinking a lot clearer. I pull out more clean clothes and take a quick shower, concerned about anyone entering my room unannounced.

Back at the table I pull the deck of cards out of the bag Jett left. I play solitaire. I’m bored. I laugh to myself, thinking I’m a high-maintenance prisoner. The things you learn about yourself in certain situations is interesting. So far I’m a slut and high maintenance.

Totally opposite of my normal life.

My thoughts return to Jett. I wonder if he’ll ask Travis to assign someone else to me. I sigh. That would suck. It would definitely be easier to think about planning an escape without him around, but I would miss him.

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