Page 3 of Dangerous Allure

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“Well, well, well… What do we have here?” Dante said, his voice surprisingly calm.

I opened my eyes, reluctantly meeting Dante’s intense gaze. The sight of him took my breath away.

Standing there bathed in the moonlight, he looked like a figure carved out of the night itself. His sharp features cast menacing shadows that played across his sharp cheekbones and the firm tense line of his jaw.

His eyes were the most striking part about him—a piercing blue that seemed to cut through the darkness. They held a cold intensity, like freezing ice over a turbulent sea. His gaze seemed to see right through me, as if he could uncover my deepest fears and secrets with nothing more than a simple glance.

His hair, dark and impeccably styled, contrasted starkly with his pale skin. It gave him an air of sophistication that was both alluring and incredibly frightening.

He was dressed in a suit that looked tailor-made, fitting his lean, athletic build perfectly. The fabric moved with him as if it were a part of him, which only seemed to highlight the restrained power in his movements.

Everything about him screamed danger.

The air around us crackled with building tension. I had to think fast, to say something, anything that might save my life.

“I didn’t see anything, I swear,” I managed, my voice barely above a whisper.

Dante studied me for a moment that felt like an eternity, then glanced at Rafael.

My gaze followed his.

Unlike Dante, Rafael oozed warm charisma.

His features were ruggedly handsome, softened by a perpetual hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. His eyes sparkled with a kind of devilish charm as he smirked in my direction. For some reason, I was immediately drawn to him, and I couldn’t explain why.

His hair was tousled like he’d just run his hand through it. It fell just right, framing his face in such a way that the shadows played over his features. A thick beard covered the expanse of his jawline. There was something disarmingly boyish about his looks, yet it was exceedingly clear that he was no stranger to the darker side of life.

Rafael stepped closer, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. “She knows too much. What should we do with her, Dante?”

Dante’s gaze flickered over me, assessing, calculating. His expression was unreadable, but his eyes held a coldness that sent a shiver down my spine.

“There’s only one thing we can do,” Dante said icily.


“Please don’t kill me,” I whispered hoarsely, my fear bleeding through with every syllable that fell off my lips.

Rafael’s expression was equally indecipherable. His eyes, however, held a different sort of coldness, one that spoke of a ruthless determination and cold indifference.

Dante’s gaze held mine for a moment longer, and my blood turned to prickling icicles. Then, slowly, he shook his head.

“No,” he said, his voice low but firm. “We’re not going to kill you. But understand this: you’re coming with us. You’ve seen and heard too much, and that makes you our problem now.”

I felt a surge of relief, quickly overshadowed by a new wave of fear. “I won’t say anything, I swear,” I protested, my voice trembling.

Rafael stepped forward, his presence commanding despite his casual demeanor. “You don’t have a choice in this.”

Fuck me.

I looked from Rafael to Dante, fully realizing the gravity of my situation.

“You’ll be under our protection,” he said, and there was an edge to his voice that suggested it wasn’t just for my benefit. “As long as you’re with us, nothing will happen to you. But you can’t leave. Not until we decide it’s safe.” Dante’s expression softened slightly, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

I felt a cold knot form in my stomach. “And when will that be?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady while my head was whirling with panic.

“That’s not for you to worry about,” Rafael interjected, his tone allowing no argument. “For now, you do as you’re told.”

Dante turned and began to walk away, signaling the end of the discussion. “Let’s go,” he said without looking back. “We have a long night ahead of us.”

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