Page 74 of Knot Her Fight

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She doesn’t believe him. I feel doubt expand inside her chest. Golden green eyes blink at Jonah before slowly turning to Spencer.

Waiting, I realize, for him to disagree.

My brother doesn’t, though. He gazes back at her, steady and intense. Saying, without words, None of us. Not even me.

Which only leaves?—

Serena chooses to look right at me for the first time in days. Tears sparkle on her lashes, but she seems grimly determined, otherwise. That flawless poker face of hers locks into place, hiding how sick she feels.

I can’t think of a better reason to let the door blocking my feelings collapse.



Wherever I am, it’s dark.

I can tell before I even open my eyes that the sun has set and I’m inside. Probably somewhere in the pack house because, through the crack in my eyelids, I feel like the walls are all kinds of black.

I’m also… wet?

But not in a sexy way.

“—but the sample was not considered statistically significant.”

The low voice speaks in the crisp cadence of someone reading aloud. While it goes on, reciting variables from a research study, something smooths over my head in rhythmic strokes.

A page turns. The dim light seeping through my eyelids flickers. I inhale, filling my lungs with sudsy lavender and the fresh scent of rain.


And he’s touching me.

After the way he’s dodged all physical contact, that’s surprising enough to turn my head and open my eyes. I find him sitting on a short wooden stool with a thick book spread open in his lap. He looks as coiffed as ever, but somehow more intimate.

Maybe because the sleeves of his white dress shirt are rolled up his impressively vascular forearms. When I look closely, I see that his silvery-blond hair is hanging a bit looser than usual, with one lock curled over his forehead. He also has a pair of frameless glasses balanced on his nose.

I must be in his bathtub because I don’t recognize the grand, onyx bathroom. It’s almost as big as the one attached to the Omega Suite, but this one has an egg-shaped soaking tub. No jets, but enough depth to give me the illusion of privacy.

Of course, someone must have put me in here…

When he catches me staring, he pauses his reading and slowly retracts the hand resting on my head. His gaze narrows, assessing my expression before he finally says, “You’re awake.”

For some reason, hearing someone as articulate as Spencer say something so painfully obvious makes me smile. Well, almost. My lips curl up a little as I sink into the warm water and the thin layer of bubbles floating on top.

He notices the shyness in my posture and clears his throat, straightening up a bit and removing his reading glasses. “Tristan opened your half-bond to try to show you something and you lost consciousness.” He clears his throat and adds, almost defensively, “That’s very normal for omegas who find their?—”


It’s the first time I’ve said the word. And the only one I’ve ever said to him.

He blinks, throat working. “Yes,” he rasps. “Mates.”

Who knows if it’s the passing-out thing or the fact that I feel so emotionally drained. It could be that, after finally telling them all my horrible truths, nothing else can touch me.

Hell, maybe this lavender aromatherapy really works.

Whatever the reason, I feel calm. More words float out easily.

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