Page 69 of Knot Her Fight

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I can’t resist reaching up and touching his cheek. When he sees I’m biting back a smile, a warm grin stretches across his broad features.

He really is the definition of a team player—content to be the butt of any joke as long as his pack is happy. He doesn’t make me speak, either; he just bends down to rub a fresh scent-mark along my cheek, nuzzling me with his soft, thick beard.

The sensation sends prickles to my nipples. They stiffen and graze the fabric of my shirt. Without warning, piña colada perfume swirls around us.

We all freeze for a moment.

Spencer’s dark eyes flash, angry and almost… wild.

Avery grunts, ducking to sink his teeth into his closed fist.

I start to scramble for an apology, fighting the squeeze in my windpipe. But Jonah’s gaze softens. He pulls me into his body, hugging me close.

“Mmm, hummingbird,” he husks, purring. “Like a slice of heaven every single time.”

I only manage a couple of words. “B-but people can smell me. M-my perfume?—”

“—is nobody’s business but ours,” he finishes, as if that’s that. Smoothing one enormous palm down the back of my head, he folds me closer to that deep, rusty purr.

Avery’s voice is about as smooth as 20-grit sandpaper, but he grinds out, “What’s next, Spence?”

I lose the thread of their conversation, falling into Jonah’s rumbles, letting him break the ache between my eyebrows. When I nestle my face into his shirt, I feel the front of his jeans strain over an erection. But he doesn’t get pissed about it or press an advantage. He only clasps me closer and drops his face to my hair while he continues talking and purring.

We leave a thin trail of my perfume behind us while I fill the cart with the makeup and hair stuff I desperately need. I’m starting to feel like we might actually get everything done when I hear it.

“I knew it.”

The voice is just familiar enough to raise the fine hairs on the back of my neck. My body locks into stillness, accidentally stopping short and forcing Avery to run into me. He snaps an arm around my waist, scowling, until he sees my face.


But it’s too late. The approaching footsteps turn onto our aisle, revealing two alphas I wish I didn’t recognize.

“I told you it was her,” Cheap Pizza Rolls crows. He elbows the taller, balding one I’ve always thought of as Spray Cheese. “No one else smells like this little snack.”

I flounder, my mouth opening and closing. Thinking over and over, No. Not here. Not now. Please no.

It’s too late, though. Jonah’s brow crouches low as Spencer snaps straight. Avery’s arm flexes across my middle, holding me against his body. When he speaks, there’s a growl layered into his voice. “These friends of yours, kitten?”

I try to speak, but my silent Omega has me paralyzed. A thick wedge blocks my throat and nothing comes out.

Unfortunately, that does not stop the alpha across from us. “We know her from the club,” Pizza Rolls scoffs.

He flicks his muddy eyes to mine. “Didn’t know Wally had started lending you out, babe. Does he charge by the hour, or do you do overnights like the other girls?”

Oh God.


My mind reels, imagining what the alphas surrounding me must be picturing. No, I want to scream, but a quiet whine is all that escapes.

Usually, I’d expect Jonah to reach for me when my scent darkens this way. But he’s frowning at our interlopers, the gears in his mind visibly grinding.

And Avery? He keeps his arm around me, but he’s staring at the side of my face like he’s never seen me before.

Their scents are a burned, gooey, sopping mess. What if they don’t want me anymore? What if they shove me at these other alphas and walk out of here? What if?—

But, then, Spencer grabs my hand.

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