Page 16 of Knot Her Fight

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Archer places a steadying hand on our pack leader’s shoulder. “Incomplete bonds are tricky to disconnect from. Overriding that will likely take several hours, if not days.”

Avery is a ghost behind me. He has been this entire time. Silent and deadly. Absorbing the scene with his ice-blue, unreadable eyes.

Now, he finally speaks. And it isn’t great.

“How do we undo this?”

Archer grimaces. “Well…”

Ave scowls. “What?”

Spencer shoots our youngest packmate a venomous look. “There isn’t a way to undo it. The omega will either bond with Tris during her next heat, or the half-bond will begin to jeopardize his health.”

Archer crosses his arms with a shrug. “I suggest you work on how to stop that happening. As a pack. In the meantime, Tristan’s body won’t tolerate being away from her for very long without extreme pain.”

So… not ideal.

“That’s not happening,” I huff. “If she’s our mate, we need to be taking care of her. And if Tris can’t be away from her, then we’ll just invite?—”

Oh God. What is her name? We’re standing out here discussing her entire future and I don’t even know the poor girl’s name?

Archer reads my panic. His lips quirk into a sad smile. “Serena.”


Goddamn, that’s pretty. I can tell Avery agrees because he hates that he does. It’s written all over his face.

I nudge his elbow with mine, and he turns his murderous eyes on me. “Oh, come on,” I grumble. “It’s a good name.”

“Fine,” he snaps. “Doesn’t change the fact that our dick-head pack leader just basically bonded with a total stranger.”

Tris groans, his head falling back. “It was an accident.”

“An accident is parking in a tow-away zone,” Spencer snarls, low and even—and somehow all the more vicious for it. “This is a life-changing catastrophe, Tristan. None of us are ready for an omega. None of us have prepared or discussed what we’re looking for! And you just?—”

He’s spinning out. Of all of us, Spencer is the one who would have needed the most time to prepare. He’s complicated.

“Tris didn’t do it on purpose, Spence,” I murmur, trying not to touch him even though I want to pat his back. “You know he isn’t impulsive.”

Understatement of the century.

Tristan never makes mistakes. The vultures in the media will have a field day with this.

Spencer turns his cool, dark eyes back to Tris, the veins along his forearms standing out as he crosses them. “We have no option, now, anyway. She has to stay near you or you won’t be able to function. Not to mention all the heat-spikes she’s going to have and all the easing she’ll need. And a half-bonded heat without alphas to tend to her would be agonizing.”

Fuck, that’s right. A half-bond will send her Omega into a tailspin once her haze kicks in.

I don’t even know this woman, but my instincts balk at the notion of leaving her to suffer. Especially since none of this is her fault in the slightest.

It’s more than that, though. Hearing what Serena has been through, I can’t imagine walking out of here without a backward glance. She obviously needs help getting out of whatever terrible situation she’s been in.

It’ll be fine.


Archer shrugs at us. “You may want to meet the omega before you all decide how you feel. Given Tristan’s reaction, I wouldn’t be surprised if your whole pack is scent-sensitive to her.”


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