Page 102 of Knot Her Fight

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Tristan gives me another of those slight, approving smiles, then tosses his brother a smirk. “I think the student is quickly becoming the master.”

I’m still giggling when a hand closes around my arm. “Hey?—”

A hard spike of fear stabs my gut, forcing a whine up my throat. Spencer unleashes a roaring growl while Avery immediately snaps into action, ripping me off my feet and holding me against his chest, baring his teeth.

A small blonde blinks at me from my former place on the ground, the older, black-suited alpha behind her gnashing his teeth at mine. “Oh,” she says. “Sorry.”

I hate the shiver that racks my body, but there’s no help for it. Ave tenderly tucks my head under his chin, glaring at the beautiful omega with a frown on her face.

Tristan steps in front of his packmates, extending his hand—to the omega.

A lot of alphas would ignore her and reach over to shake the tattooed hand of the man at her back. But Tristan offers her his handshake instead. “I’m Tristan Thorne. You’re the Ash Pack’s omega, yes? The one who does media for the team? Jonah has mentioned you.”

When the woman doesn’t move, her alpha shakes Tristan’s hand. “Senator Thorne,” he says. “I’m Ronan Ash. I believe we met at a mixer last summer.”

Tristan nods, his expression losing some of its tension. “Serena,” he says, looping me in. “This is the owner of the Ospreys and his omega…”

At my alpha’s lifted brows, the blonde snaps out, “Meg.” Her pretty blue eyes narrow as she runs them over my face. “Sorry to come stomping over here. I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

I cringe. “It’s a little too easy to do lately. Not your fault.”

“Serena’s about to go into heat,” Spencer informs the pair, still every bit as forbidding as he was a moment ago. “Archer is treating her.”

Tristan’s earlier introduction finally sinks in. I gasp. “Wait, you’re Dr. Monroe’s omega?”

Meg pauses but smiles slightly. “Um, yeah. I take it you’ve met him?”

I nod quickly. “He helped me when—” I only barely catch myself. “He was there when I really needed some help. He’s an amazing doctor.”

Pride beams all over her face. “He really is.”

The air around us suddenly feels awkward. I try to squirm out of Avery’s arms, but he just hugs me closer. “Well… sorry for freaking out.”

Meg grins. “Happens to the best of us,” she says, tossing her alpha a secret smile. “Trust me. I’ll tell Archer you said hi!”

They wander off, leaving me wondering if I might have just met a potential… friend?

But then, of course, Avery drops his pout into the crook of my neck, nuzzling. “That was fucking weird.”

I smack his side, which only makes him hold me tighter. “Mmm, baby. You want me to fuck you in the skybox?”

Spencer starts to glare, and Tristan’s expression darkens, but the faint burst of perfume that makes it past all of my de-scenter pauses both of them.

Avery flashes a feral grin. “See? I know what my girl likes.”



Listening is not my strong suit.

If I weren’t so shit at it, I might have snapped this whole thing together a lot sooner.

Jonah bitched all day about how bad he felt. I thought he was just old—and too stubborn to admit it. But Serena… she suddenly woke up today and needed to start on her nest.

Why today? When her heat isn’t for another week or two, and she isn’t really a big “planner”?

It was also weird that she wanted to leave the game and come straight home. We were supposed to go to dinner, and Jonah was supposed to come home, change, and meet us.

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