Page 47 of Knot Her Shot

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They’re big and sturdy, but still.

Leave it to Smith to essentially take an omega prisoner while also providing the best moving boxes money can buy.

When he told us Remi had “agreed” to move in with us after his visit last night, he left out the whole “against her will” part. When Cass texted her to ask her for a grocery list and found out she had basically been barked into submission, he gut-punched Smith so hard that I’m surprised our alpha didn’t barf up his own diaphragm.

Another epic shouting match ensued. That ended pretty quickly when Smith pointed out that his approach had, in fact, worked. And we had a lot more important things to do than argue if we wanted to get the house ready for Remi.

Which didn’t go so great.

But we tried.

And when my alarm went off at quarter-to-the-ass-crack-of-dawn? I bounced my happy ass out of bed and zoomed right out the door.

After the way last night went, Cassian insisted on being there to pick Remi up. Since we have morning skate at nine, that meant a hell of a wake-up call for all of us.

You’d never know it from looking at Remi, though. She’s buried any hint that all of this isn’t peachy-keen by the time we pull up to the curb outside her place.

She looks cute as hell, decked out in another sundress with those same silver sandals. When I jump out first, bounding over to her, I can’t resist taking her hand and twirling her, watching the way the skirt flutters around her legs.

My pretty girl.

I’m being a flirt, but when she laughs, the quiet lilt of it touches a secret place in the deepest part of me. The feeling echoes around in there, scraping all the air out of my lungs. Leaving me with the overwhelming feeling of complete awe.

“Damon?” Her cool fingers trace over my fading bruise and carefully touch my cheek. “Are you okay?”

I nod. I want to speak, but my tongue tangles in the back of my mouth.

Oh fuck. I literally can’t even talk.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Game is the only advantage I have over these knot-heads. If I can’t charm her, what will she want with me?

While I choke on my own tongue, Cassian stomps over and snaps Remi right into his arms.

A bear hug, I guess you’d call it.

No, I won’t ever let him live that down.

“Rems,” he whispers, folding our omega up into his wide chest. “You okay? You sure you want to do this?”

I want to elbow him in the back and tell him not to blow this, but Remi smiles into his shoulder, nestling her cheek there. “I’m sure about you,” she says, flashing her blue, blue eyes up to mine, pinning the breath in my lungs when she includes me. “Both of you.”

There’s no prayer of me keeping the huge grin off my face. I crowd in, dropping my forehead down to hers. “Me, too, pretty girl?”

Her little smile takes on a mischievous gleam. Holy fuck, this girl.

“You, too, Trouble.”

Is that my new nickname?


Stamp it, ship it. I am now officially Trouble. I’ll have them announce it in this weekend’s game.

And, actually? It works. When I fly down the ice? “Here comes Trouble.”

This omega is brilliant.

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