Page 36 of Knot Her Shot

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Well, that sounds healthy.

Doesn’t some fairy tale start out like this?

A horror movie?

Close enough.



“Remi…” Meg’s voice sighs through the phone. “Are you calling me from the floor of your closet right now?”

I hiccup. “No.”

“You’re a terrible liar,” she points out, but there’s no heat to it. “Tell me what happened? Are you safe?”

I burrow further into Cass’s old sweatshirt, whining when it doesn’t smell like him at all. When I try to tell her the whole story, I find I can’t get past the Cassian part without her freaking out.

She interrupts, her voice is low. “The guy from the group home is your alpha?”

“Well, he’s not?—”

“And he’s been waiting for you this entire time?”

“Well, it depends on what you mean by ‘waiting,’ but ye?—”

“HOLY FUCK! Did you take pictures? Oh, wait! Names! Give me the pack name. I’m already typing.”

Her enthusiasm makes me dizzy. I hear her thumbs against her phone’s screen. A second after I manage to get the name out, she shrieks.

An alarmed male voice snaps over the line. “What? What’s wrong? Peaches?”

Theo is clearly distressed that his omega sounds like a hamster that’s about to be dropped into a blender. I don’t blame him, but I’m running out of time to process what just happened.


My best friend stammers, and I hear her hand her alpha the phone, then yank it back. Theo makes a loud whooping sound and bursts into laughter.

“Oh my God, Remi. Cassian is Cassian King?”

“BEASTLY,” Theo roars. “Oh fuck yeah, this is going to be awesome! I’m gonna go buy season tickets. Dibs on groomsman.”

Meg’s excitement quickly turns to accusation. “You bitch!” she squeals. “You get Damon Mathers, too?”

I want to cringe into nothing. Not after the way I just ran out of there. “Um, I mean…”

“Are they coming to get you?” she blabbers, so excited that it hurts my heart. “Are you packing? Please take the panties that don’t come with a chastity belt attached. And make sure you have them help you move any big stuff.”

The image of the Pierson pack in my hovel of an apartment is almost darkly comical. Or, actually, just… dark. My heart palpates from thinking about it, and not in a good way.


Maybe it’s for the best that I’ll officially be alone forever. If they ever came here, I would be mortified. Cassian would see his ratty old hoodie in my bed. If we actually courted, he would see everything. My pitiful little apartment. My even-more-pitiful bank account.

And Smith, with his perfect clothing and his expensive haircut… I already know he thinks I’m trash because of the way he talks to me at work. If he sees that I’m using books to prop up my futon? He’d probably sneer so hard, he’d break his own nose.

Damon seems the most laid-back of the three, but he’s so gorgeous. If he didn’t mind the apartment, he would probably change his mind once he saw how I really look under all my makeup.

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