Page 35 of Knot Her Shot

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At the time, I didn’t understand why he gut-punched the guy in our weight-lifting class who asked him to bring in one of “his girl’s” bras. Now, I get it. Anyone who talks about our omega’s boobs is getting wrecked.

Which is definitely hypocritical, considering the number of mental jpegs I snapped when her sweet little nipples popped up today.

C’mon, Big D. Focus.

Smith’s hands slacken, releasing the white-knuckle fists dangling at his sides. “She probably had to leave the home when her designation came in,” he mutters. “I doubt it was safe for her to stay near so many emerging alphas with perfume like that.”

He’s practically growling by the end of the sentence. Which makes sense. As our pack alpha, his instincts must be riding him even harder than mine are. And right now, I’m like half a deep breath away from ripping that stupid door off its hinges.

“Do we even need to talk about this?” I ask, vibrating in place. “We’re obviously going after her, hugging the stuffing out of her, and keeping her forever, right?”

“No,” Smith says, his voice heavy. “I… it can’t be her. I’ve seen her every day for two months. I would have recognized if she was ours.”

He lets those words soak in before sighing and sitting down slowly—probably because of the monster trouser snake he’s contending with.

Cassian flashes his teeth in a menacing gnash. “Can’t you feel this? This is the first time in ten goddamn years that I’ve felt anything good. She’s mine. Which means, if she isn’t your omega, then I must not belong in your pack.”

Oh. Fuck.

We’re going there? So soon?

I shove air out of my nose, trying to think around Remi’s perfume and distress. The fact that I literally can’t tells me everything I need to know.

“Me neither, Big Hoss,” I say, wincing. “I mean… this is it. Maybe the scent-neutralizers at the shop or whatever de-scenter both of you wear to work fucked with things, but now, you have to know she’s the one. You wanted it to be scientific—well, here we are. She picked us. Before she saw you, she wanted to go home with us and try to be a part of this pack. There’s gotta be some way for you to fix this.”

Usually, Cassian’s face is a mask of anger or a perfect poker face. I’ve never seen it look so… twisted. His mouth is frozen in a grimace, and his big brows are folded down, pulling at the scar over his left eye. I clap him on his shoulder, shaking him slightly.

“C’mon, Cass. We’ll figure this out. It’ll be fine. Better than fine. We found our mate, guys. This is a good fucking day.”

Smith seems to snap into action. He checks his watch and sits forward, gesturing to the seats opposite him. “Sit,” he barks quietly. “We need a plan.”

A bit of Cassian’s long-lost fire ignites in his eyes. “She’s a person, Smith, not a hostile takeover. A checklist won’t help us. She needs nurturing. And you still haven’t even told us what you did to her.”

Our alpha is stone-still. To an observer, he might even look calm. But his voice is gravel when he replies, “She works slowly, and she’s often distracted. The other investors wanted to fire her. I tried to get her to pick up her pace.”

Oh God. As someone who knows Smith, I can tell you that “pick up her pace” is code for yelling. If not barking.

It sounds like anyone’s worst nightmare. Let alone an omega’s. I don’t know much about their designation, but I know an angry alpha can be terrifying for them.

And they like cuddly shit. I think.

Maybe I should have Googled.

Right now, I need to get these two off each other’s backs.

“We can handle this,” I butt in. “Smith will stop being a dickhead CEO?—”

“Damon,” he growls.

“—Cassian will apologize to Remi for having absolutely no game in high school?—”

“Fuck off,” he cuts in, back to his grumbling self.

“—and I’ll lick her pussy until she never wants to leave us. Good plan? Good plan. Let’s go find Balls Of Steel Celine.”

“She won’t help us,” Smith snaps. “It’s against their policy. Any information shared between alphas and omegas has to be done directly by them.”

Cass cracks his knuckles, all feeling dropping off his face, leaving solid determination behind. “She’s mine. And no one is going to stop me from finding her and making her mine.”

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