Page 30 of Knot Her Shot

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Getting our pack a real home always meant more to Cass than it did to me, or even Smith. I never connected the dots, but it makes sense.

He didn’t want a home for himself.

His Alpha wanted one for her.

My heart cramps, aching as I watch the two of them relearn each other’s faces. After a beat, I cup my hand around Remi’s, turning her attention to me. “What do you say, pretty girl? Come home with us?”

Remi looks between the two of us. She shrinks down a bit, uncertainty filling her face. “That’s what you want?” she asks. “You want— but your alpha has to say yes first, right?”

Oh. Fuck.


As if Remi somehow summoned him, I hear a clipped voice in the hallway, along with some shuffling. Leave it to Smith to delay getting his uppity ass in here so he can review paperwork with Balls Of Steel Celine out there.

I don’t know how our sweet omega can sense that the leader of our pack is about to come in, but she straightens, turning to the door and quickly smoothing her pretty pink skirt. I’m not sure I like the apprehension and anxiety on her face.

Why is she so nervous?

Smith is going to eat her up.



I like lists.

Plans. Proof. Projections. Logic and preparedness have served me well throughout my life, even when it was painful.

I was raised to believe there’s a correct way to do things. A right way to be.

It’s the reason I decided to pay out the ass for a scent-matching service; so I could know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I’d made the right choice for my pack.

I figured it’s science, right? How could they be wrong?

I still don’t know.

All I know is, the second I walk into the room, I feel her scent in the air. My body goes numb, a high-pitched sort of whistle reverberating in my ear drums like a gunshot.

The air in my lungs contracts into two leaden balls. They drop down into my stomach while I pant, inhaling harder, trying to just breathe.

But I can’t.

Can’t breathe. Can’t think. Can’t make a decision or a plan.

My chest heaves.






All mixed into something lusciously smooth, delicious, and nostalgic. Cake batter, maybe.

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