Page 25 of Knot Her Shot

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“Yes,” I answer, “I’m”— hopelessly awkward —“just fine. But I’m sorry I fainted.”

Damon’s smile comes easily, stretching his plush lips over perfect, white teeth. “According to Celine, it happens all the time. That’s why the couches in these meeting rooms are big—room for us alphas to make our omegas comfortable. I guess passing out is common for omegas when they meet their?—”

I feel a spark ignite in my middle. “Mates?”

His blue, blue eyes never leave mine. “Mates,” he repeats.

The purr in his chest gets louder, unwinding the last bit of tension twined around my lungs. When he feels me relax, his features soften. For a moment, when his focus flickers to my lips, I think he might try to kiss me.

But his attention darts to the corner of the suite, one eyebrow quirking over his bruised brow bone. “Celine also mentioned that there are cameras in here. Multiple times.” A spark of mischief touches his expression as he bends closer. “Apparently, I don’t look very trustworthy.”

He doesn’t. Especially with that sexy-as-sin look in his eye. But every neuron in my brain pumps out geysers of oxytocin, telling me he’s safe.

For the first time in as long as I can remember, I feel protected. His arms flex, our hug heartrendingly tender as he holds me in his lap.

I carefully trace a finger along his black eye, biting my lower lip. “I can’t imagine why…”

He grins, his pumpkin-spice scent thickening. Hmm. This alpha likes jokes and playfulness.

Okay. I nod to myself internally, frantically taking mental notes. I can do that.

It’s going to be essential for me to learn all of them as quickly as I can. The faster I make myself useful to them and the happier they feel around me, the more likely they are to want to keep me.



It starts when I get out of my car.

There’s a current in the air. Snapping, crackling, pulling me closer to the unfamiliar building housing Forever Matched.

If I looked down and found a steel tether sprouting from my middle, I wouldn’t be surprised. It would make sense, given the insistent tug I feel. Every time I inhale, the air seems to seep right out of the bottom of my lungs, adding to the sensation yanking me toward the double doors.

The second I step inside, I know.

This is why my Alpha had no interest in any other omega. Because somewhere, out there, we knew this was waiting for us.

Cake batter, honey, and lavender, all baked into warm, heavenly perfection.

Softness and sunrise and the sweetest edge of ecstasy.


Everything inside of me lurches. I barely have the wherewithal to hold myself in check, collaring the beast inside of me trying to snap its binds. He fights at the stranglehold, pushing pure need into all of my pulse points.

Rut. Knot. Bite. Claim.

I freeze, locking myself down as every urge that’s been dormant for years surges to the surface. The world is a blur, fading into background noise as my eyes finally focus, taking in the quiet, calm lobby laid out in front of me.

There’s no one here.

Am I… crazy? Have I had some sort of break with reality?

Maybe. Because there actually is a beta woman at the front desk. I hear her speak to me, but I can’t see her. My eyes are locked on the door to the right, as if I can somehow see through it.

The woman keeps talking, ignorant to the fact that my ears are buzzing with urgency. When she gestures to the same portal I can’t stop staring at, I practically tackle the goddamn thing out of my way, bursting into a hallway where a well-dressed alpha woman waits with her arms crossed.

Instead of offering resistance, she waves me toward a room and casts me a well get the hell in there look.

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