Page 24 of Knot Her Shot

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That makes me want to smile, but my body has other ideas. Goosebumps break over my skin as my knees wobble. I’m grateful I have both hands pressed to my chest; my arms hide the way my breasts peak, nipples stiffening, while my lungs shudder around air that tastes like him.

A whine sails right out of my mouth. The exuberant smile drops off his face, leaving him slack-jawed as he stares down at me. Giddy vertigo bends my mind as his scent swells, growing warmer, pressing all around me.

A rumbly sound echoes behind his navy T-shirt, but he quickly catches the maybe-growl-maybe-purr and coughs over the rest.

“Sorry,” he apologizes, his voice a full octave deeper. “I’m just—Am I…? You feel this, right?”

I feel like my legs won’t hold me up much longer.

Turns out, I’m right.

As my consciousness returns, I’m utterly heartbroken.

I’m asleep?

I knew all of this had to be a dream. That alpha was far too beautiful to be real.

Loss echoes through my middle, and I whimper, not wanting to open my eyes and lose the illusion. Based on how warm I feel, I’ll probably crack my eyelids and find myself on the floor of my closet, wrapped in my oversized hoodie again.

Only… sweatshirts don’t vibrate.

Oh, fluff.

Did I leave one of my alpha substitutes on the floor of my closet-nest and roll on top of it?

That is just humiliating on way too many levels.

I cringe automatically, recoiling into something solid that moves. A deeply unattractive squawking sound leaves my lips as my limbs twitch in all directions.

A dark, warm laugh has me whipping my head to the side, where I find myself face-to-face with the alpha from my dream.


He’s real?

He’s here?

He’s… holding me?

Fond amusement lights his aqua eyes while they drink in my shock. “Hi, pretty girl,” he says softly, smiling. “You went down hard. Are you okay?”


I went down on?—

Oh. He means I fell down.

Good Lord. I’m turning into Meg.

His features soften the longer we stare at each other. One of his huge, calloused palms comes up to brush my hair over my shoulder, rubbing my back gently. “Remi?”

I need to get myself together. If he thinks I’m scared or too timid, he might decide he doesn’t like me enough to introduce me to his packmates.

Is he their alpha?

He certainly seems strong enough, though he doesn’t have that steel, weighty dominance that usually smacks me in the face when a pack leader walks into a room. His energy is more… electric.

Even so, I should be trying to make the best impression possible. My lower back bows forward while I attempt to straighten my posture and paste on a pleasing smile.

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