Page 108 of Knot Her Shot

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I see a flicker of relief on Cassian’s face, too. Our alpha is here. He’s going to protect all of us.

Smith steps into the nest first, still wearing his button-down shirt and slacks. My Omega doesn’t like that, but she’s thoroughly distracted. At least he’s taken his shoes off, leaving him in socks that match the blue pair of my panties he’s had in his jacket pocket today.

While Smith remains firmly focused on Cassian’s face, flexing his power to keep him in check, Damon comes in behind him. Naked, of course. Stripped down completely, with an erection bobbing between his cut hips.

Our gazes meet for a second. His flickers around the nest and comes back to me, a small, utterly sincere smile on his lips.

He likes it, I think with relief.

None of them have ever been in here before. And for a second, I’m disappointed they aren’t seeing it in the daylight. But then I consider how Cassian would feel being left out of that—if only mentally—and decide this may be for the best.

Still, it’s very Damon to notice. He knows this is important to me and saw how much work I put into to picking things.

Not for the first time, I wish we were bonded so I could send him a beat of gratitude. I’ve had those thoughts more and more, lately, and it’s getting harder to suppress them.

Especially in here.

All of their scents are full-force, saturating the air and my nest linens with the perfect combination. Bitter and earthy, brown-sugar spice, and the rich smoothness of chocolate. It all swirls together and settles in my lungs.

Hearing the soft whine in my throat, Cassian’s dark eyes snap from the encroaching alphas back to me. “Omega,” he husks out, fingers flexing into my flesh. “Need you.”

And, God, he does. I see it burning in his eyes. He needs me. I’m the only one who can give him back to himself.

“I’m yours,” I tell him, reaching up to touch his cheek. “You can have me, Alpha.”

Cassian snaps me into his chest, locking his arms around me and lowering us to the mattress. It would possibly pass for a hug if I didn’t feel like a kitten being strangled by a gorilla.

“Gently,” Smith orders again. He moves with caution, kneeling slowly at the nest’s edge. But even that is enough to trigger a vicious snarl from Cassian.

It reverberates against my ear, sending a skitter of nerves through me. When his Alpha senses the shift in my perfume, he makes that growly purring sound again, dropping his forehead to roughly nuzzle at my neck.


Even in a rut, he’s still grumpy and cuddly. Still the man I know, somewhere in there. I smile into his messy, overly long hair, feeling more at ease.

When I relax, he does, too. The bruising pressure of his fingertips eases. He inhales at my throat, groaning. “My omega.”

“Yes, yours,” I whisper, shivering from the bark. I brush all of his loose hair back and wiggle against him. “I want your knot, Alpha. Can I have it?”

Instead of replying, he tips me back until I land on the creamy silk underneath us. His face is fierce as he leverages his body over mine and shoves in deep.

The first punch of his cock into my body knocks all the air out of my lungs. There’s not a single moment to get it back, because Cassian starts to rut, his hips snapping like a piston, grinding our pelvises together.

I try not to struggle, not wanting to alarm the others or aggravate him, knowing he doesn’t even know what he’s doing at the moment. When he suddenly rears back and opens his mouth, there’s barely time for me to whimper before he strikes.

But Smith is there.

“No,” he barks, covering my entire neck with his large hand. “You will not bite her.”

Cassian grunts his displeasure, but keeps right on pumping, dropping his face to my breasts instead. A wash of relief rushes over me, followed by a swift kick to the gut.

Did Smith stop him because he doesn’t want me in their pack? If Cassian claimed me, that would be it. Smith would have to commit to letting me stay.

He must really not want that if he was willing to interrupt a rutting alpha just to?—

The fingers at my throat flex subtly. My gaze flies to where Smith crouches just beside my head.

His deep eyes trace my face as he adds, “Not yet.”

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