Page 78 of Knot Her Goal

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I don’t want her to be afraid of me.

Everyone else is. I know that.

I didn’t start out my life as an alpha endeavoring to be the most dominant, intimidating asshole in any room; but the older I got, the more my dominance grew. And grew. Until it clobbered everyone.

Even me.

The thought of this sweet, gorgeous girl feeling any fear when she’s in my arms fucking guts me. My instincts war with each other—the part of me that needs to be powerful in order to keep her safe versus the part that needs to make her happy.

It takes a few minutes.

Then, very deliberately, I lower my eyes and tip my head to the side, bowing it slightly.


I don’t think I’ve ever offered it to anyone else. There were a few times when I was forced…

This is different.

It’s the first real thing I’ve offered her.

Her shaky little gasp sinks into my center. “Ronan.”

She drops her head to my shoulder, nuzzling our faces together. The motion is so sweet, I can’t breathe for a moment. My gaze follows her every move, absorbing the way she takes my submission and offers her own version back to me. Because, in the end, she needs me to be in control.

It’s heady, knowing I can offer this queen my crown, and she’ll just put it back on my head.

She doesn’t want the power. She wants me to hold her.

My purr starts up, rolling through us both while I nestle her closer. “This is the way it will be between us. When you need something, you’ll come to me. When I need you, I’ll come find you.” I run my lips along her ear. “Either way, we’ll both come.”

Meg shivers lightly, a nervous giggle catching in her throat. “I was starting to think you didn’t like me like that.”

That thought slams into my forehead, but won’t sink in. How could she ever think that? I’ve done nothing but worry and lust after her since I set eyes on her.

Seeing my dismay, her plush lips quirk in a small smile. “You’ve hung back,” she peeps. “In the living room last week, and then yesterday, when you decided to drive…”

She swallows and ducks her head. “I thought maybe you just didn’t want me that way. Or maybe I turned you off because I was so… crazy.”

I grip her chin firmly, angling her face toward mine, forcing her to look into my eyes. “You have nothing to be embarrassed by, baby girl. Both of those nights were the hottest I’ve ever experienced. And even if we weren’t all salivating at the mere thought of touching you, our feelings for you will never change because you have needs. You need, we provide. Period.”

I lower my lips to brush hers. “You need, I provide. Got it, baby girl?”

Meg’s swallow sounds sticky. “Yes, Alpha.”

My cock is abruptly, painfully hard. I grunt while I shift her. “Alpha is good when I’m inside of you or about to be. Otherwise, it’s Daddy in private, and whatever else you’d like to call me in public. All right?”

Her eyes darken again, this time for a completely different reason. “Yes, Alpha.”

She’s teasing. Daring me.

I snake my hand up to her throat and grasp it, tightening my fingers just enough to let her feel it. It’s a test, to see if she’s really as ready for me as she thinks she is. Her pupils yawn wide while sweet succulence bursts from her core.

Goddamn. It’s perfection. I kiss her forehead, muttering against her sweet-smelling skin. “I can’t tell you how much I want you. I’ve waited more than twenty years to find you, baby girl, but I’m a lot to take on sexually. I don’t want to scare you by coming on too strong. You have to trust me before I take you. Because when I take you? It will be possession. And it will be permanent. Do you understand?”

Perfect peach perfume rises off her skin while her eyes fix on mine. She nods slowly.

And slides down onto her knees.

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