Page 59 of Knot Her Goal

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“Shhh, baby girl.” He pets my head, his long, thick fingers slowly moving over my hair and cheek in soothing passes. “Daddy’s not mad.”

That one sentence unlocks some scary corner closet deep inside of me. A place where all sorts of things I never want to look at have accumulated over the years—the little girl who never seemed to do anything exactly right, the teenager who just wanted approval, the woman who craves a man’s sincere praise.

All these parts of me that don’t know what it’s like to truly please someone… but always wondered. Always wanted.

How does he know?

Ronan feels me snuggle closer and smiles into my hair. “You like that?” When I nod, he presses a firm kiss into my temple. “Me too, baby girl. You and I will work that out between us. Soon.”

A happy flutter dances in my stomach, spinning and swooping until it smolders lower. I’m still embarrassed and more than a little flustered, but his promise is too tempting. A small burst of perfume rises off me, mingling perfectly with the sweet smoke, spice, and citrus surrounding us.

I open my mouth to apologize, but Theo groans like he just bit into the world’s most delicious dessert. Archer’s laugh is velvet as he falls back onto the bed, the motion uncharacteristically carefree.

“Fuck,” he says, always so soft and level, even when he curses. “That smell—all of us together—it’s like a miracle.”

“You hear that, peaches? Absolute fucking miracle,” Theo moans, still sounding borderline-pornographic. “And I found you first. Nailed it.”

When I giggle, my scent rising, they both grunt before laughing again.

Ronan smirks, his eyes landing on mine. “Seems my pack is as just obsessed with making you happy as I am. You know what that means, little one?”

I smile, my teeth trapping the corner of my lip as I shake my head.

Ronan leans in, his mouth sealing over mine in a kiss that’s all dominance. Pure, undiluted power. And just the slightest thread of tenderness.

I’m already breathless when he pulls away. But then he goes and says, “It means you’ll be staying right here.”



My ass has been kicked forty-five different ways by the time I park my Bugatti in last available slot in our garage.

I kill the engine, my head falling back against the hand-stitched leather seat. Blinking, I stare up at the dark fabric above while total silence engulfs me. It starts out peaceful, but gradually builds into a sort of static, pressing into my skull.


I’m so tired.

I don’t want to deal with this shit now.

So I don’t. I shove it all back down into the dank hole it came from and pop my door open. My shoulder shrieks when I hoist myself out of the low-riding convertible, my neck throbbing from the way my muscles lock around the pinched nerve.

Archer is going to be pissed I didn’t tell him during the game. Ronan will be pissed I even have a shoulder and the human ability to injure it.

And Theo is probably dead by now, drowned in omega pussy.

I’m going to walk in there, and he’ll be all up in my shit, singing the girl’s praises. Ronan will give me that disapproving glare he loves so much. And Archer will be quietly disappointed in me, which is almost worse.

Frankly, after the way they banished me from my own goddamn house for the better part of the night, I should be the one pissed off at them.

I’m actually furious with myself for not being angrier. This is my home. My pack. My family. I should be fucking furious that they’re choosing some chick over me.

But instead I just feel… alone.


I miss them. The shit heads. I miss them, and I hate them for it. But not as much as I hate myself for it.

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