Page 58 of Knot Her Goal

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He means it. I can tell from his scent alone—the lemongrass is subdued, the citrus so sharp my nose tingles in alarm. But how can he possibly be apologizing to me? I was the one who totally lost it and ruined their entire night.

I try to teeter upright. Theo only loosens his hold enough to let me balance on my knees, sitting up to keep us chest-to-chest. I brush my messy hair back with two hands, blinking at his tortured expression.

He has no reason to feel bad, though. He was perfect. A dream.

I’ve spent my whole adult life terrified of accidentally sending an alpha into rut. After what happened at my last job, I thought any alpha in that state would be a savage beast hell-bent on his own pleasure.

But Theo didn’t even touch me, really. Sure, he held me and undressed us both when I begged him to… but he didn’t press one single advantage or take any liberties.

Hell, he could have knotted me and I wouldn’t have blamed him, since I was asking him to. Instead, he let me take what I needed and didn’t demand anything. I don’t even think he barked.

“Are you crazy?” I sob, touching his perfect face, trying to wipe his guilt away. “What could you possibly be sorry for? I attacked you. I—I lost it. I put you into a rut. I—Oh God, did I actually use you like a human dildo?”

I’m so mortified, I want to die.

Kill me. Please.

But Theo’s pained face splits into a wry grin. “You sure did, gorgeous. And it was seriously hot. Even the good doctor couldn’t keep it in his pants.”

Grimacing, I turn my head to face Archer and Ronan, who both sit against the headboard, look shockingly calm and not at all furious? What in the?—?!

Ronan is wearing sweatpants. Gray ones, too. The color perfectly outlines his enormous erection while his tight black T-shirt sets off his bulging arms and the bold, sensual lines covering his left side.

As my wide eyes meet his, he cocks that small half-smile I love. It’s a little rueful and almost surprised. Like he can’t quite believe he’s actually happy and expressing it.

Archer seems a bit more wary. At first I think it’s because he witnessed me go feral in the middle of their seven-million-dollar kitchen. Then I see the uneasy way he scratches at the back of his neck.

“I owe you an apology as well, Meg,” he intones, his deep voice calm and sincere. “I probably should have left the room when I smelled your heat perfume. I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself for long, and I chose to take the edge off for myself. At the time, I figured it would help me think more clearly in case you were actually in heat. But I also admit that part of me simply lost control. I’m so sorry if anything I did breached your boundaries.”

Theo keeps hold of my right hand while I reach my left out to Archer, stretching to try to touch his face. He immediately moves forward, his crawl somehow sinuous.

My voice is small. “You liked seeing me that way?”

Archer exhales hard, his nod jostling my fingers as I trace his brow. “You were everything I never dared to dream,” he murmurs, his dark eyes piercing behind his glasses. “Every last thing, sweetheart.”

He takes my hand and kisses the knuckles before setting it over his heart and the worn Duke sweatshirt stretched across his chest.

I’m still gaping as he goes to work, silently smoothing his palms over various parts of me and gently probing with his fingertips at others. Examining me, although doing it so sweetly I can’t help but lean into his purring chest and close my eyes. When he’s satisfied, he caresses long lines down my spine for a moment.

“Baby girl.”

Soft demand laces Ronan’s voice. I blink out of my purr-induced stupor and move without even meaning to.

Because when he calls, I come. Evidently.

Ronan pulls me into his own lap like it’s the most natural thing in the world. His sharp silver eyes simmer over my features, reading every tiny nuance before tightening slightly. “We need to talk.”

Oh boy.

I get that stomach-dropping-through-the-floor feeling, reminiscent of being called to the principal’s office. Only it’s worse, because my Omega is frantic at the thought of truly disappointing Ronan.

He notes the tears that instantly fill my eyes and purrs louder. “Relax, little one. I’m not upset.”

Unlike Theo’s rattle and Archer’s rolling hum, Ronan’s chest sounds the deepest and vibrates the hardest. The jet-engine rumble resonates inside of me, instantly unwinding the tension in my muscles and unclogging the lump in my throat.

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