Page 53 of Knot Her Goal

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So maybe I should just let them?

Fucking hell, why do all of these monumental decisions end up falling to me?

Ronan finally moves, shaking off my earlier command. For a second, I’m poised to put myself in his path, but he isn’t looking at Meg and Theo. He comes over and plants a firm hand on my shoulder.

“Talk to me,” he demands. “What are our options if we can’t take her anywhere?”

Something about his grip grounds me. Ever since Meg came into the picture, I’ve realized how little the four of us touched each other. It seems strange, now. Sure, we’ve never been romantic or sexually interested in one another, but we’re a family. Why were we shying away from physical proximity?

It’s helping. The itch under my skin—the one begging me to rip Meg away from the other alpha and keep her all to myself—dissipates.

This is Ronan.

That’s Theo.

These are my packmates, and I care about them as much as I care about the girl we all desperately want to please and protect.

But I have no idea how we do that without hurting her.

Ronan senses my anxiety and squeezes my neck. Hard. “Hey. Hey. You know everything about this shit, Arch. I know you know what to do. Think about what you would tell a patient if they asked you what to do in this situation.”

He’s clearly on the very edge of his control, too, but he’s holding on. For her. For us. Because, for all his faults, Ronan is a natural-born leader.

Tuning out a particularly enticing moan and tamping down the burning desire to know what caused it, I close my eyes.

Can’t take her from Theo.

Can’t let Theo knot her.

Can’t do bloodwork to see if this is a real heat or a spike.


I eliminate treatment options systematically, until only one remains.


Ronan nods, even though he has no idea what I mean. Behind me, Meg cries out. His graphite gaze flickers to her before snapping shut. His jaw flexes as he grinds his teeth. “How does easing work?”

It takes way more effort than it should for me swallow. “We essentially take the edge off. If it’s just a spike, easing will get her through it. If it’s a heat, then she’ll bounce right back after. But at least Theo will be in his right mind, however briefly.”

If Theo wasn’t so busy, he’d make some dumb joke about “post-nut clarity.” But, in this case, it wouldn’t be so dumb.

None of us are going to be able to avoid rut if we try to keep ourselves locked down like this. Maybe with any other omega; but this is Meg. Our scent-sensitive perfect match. She’s ours. And every bit of alpha inside each of us is going to fight to get to her.

Better we give our bodies a small taste of what they crave than try to control them and fail entirely.

“We’ll go to the living room,” I decide.

Our biggest packmate snarls at that directive. I turn and find him glaring at me, green eyes eclipsed by blown pupils and devoid of any semblance of reason. It galls me to offer submission, but I show him my palms anyway. For Meg.

“It’s okay, big guy,” I say blandly, hoping her nickname for him might help. “No one will take the omega from you. You can have her. We just have to talk about keeping her happy. You want that, right?”

Theo’s thick brow lowers, but he grunts.

“Why don’t you take her on the couch?” Ronan tries. “Let her ride your knot there. With the leather? We’ll never get the smell of her sweetness out.”

He knows more about this shit than he gives himself credit for. Which is obvious when Theo’s eyes light up, and he immediately hauls Meg into the family room.

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