Page 51 of Knot Her Goal

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And I’m sure as hell gonna kiss her right the fuck now.

As long as she wants that.

Her legs cinch tighter, pressing her panty-covered core into my abs. She whimpers, the sound small and desperate enough to snap my last thread of self-doubt.

In one motion, I have my right arm parallel with her spine, my hand cupping the back of her head. The left tucks her hips in tighter, my fingers kneading the soft perfection of her ass while I seal my mouth over hers.

Oh my fuuuck?—

She tastes as good as she smells, which just should not be possible. How am I supposed to impress her with my kissing skills when I can’t even breathe? The pleasure coursing through me from the soft brush of the tip of her tongue over my lower lip is strong enough to wind me.

This isn’t the type of first kiss I imagined. There’s nothing innocent about it. My gorgeous girl isn’t shy or hesitant at all. She practically climbs me, fisting one hand against the collar of my Henley and another in the man-bun at the back of my neck.

Fuck. Me.

Every time I think I appreciate just how lucky I am to have found her; she blows my mind in a brand-new way.

Our lips rub over each other in wet, dirty glides. When she nips at me with her teeth, I groan, locking her as close as I can without hurting her.

She starts moving her center over my middle, grinding like she can feel the ridges of my abs against her pussy. The thought makes my cock jump.

The hand under her ass slides closer to her core on instinct. I somehow stop myself from reaching for her panties. But when I do, she fucking whines.

I’ve never hated and loved a sound more. It means she needs me and wants me, which is bliss. But it also means she needs something, and I’m not giving it to her fast enough. Which makes me feel as close to feral as I’ve ever been.

I rip myself back, panting while I examine her face.

Tell me what you need, precious.

Anything. Anything. Anything.

She looks almost high? Her pupils are blown, bleeding over the pretty blue I’m used to. A clear, bright pink covers her cheeks. And pure heat radiates from her skin.



Oh shit.

I feel it a millisecond later—wet warmth, seeping into my shirt, soaking the fabric between her pussy and my stomach. Which means she’s probably already drenched her underwear.

Which means I’m about three seconds away from rutting her into next year.


“ARCH!” I yell, using the hand on her head to cradle her against my neck, protecting her ears from my shouting. “ARCH, GET THE HELL IN HERE, MAN!”

“Sorry, sorry,” comes a sarcastic mutter. “Was just unloading your gym bag contents into the washing machine before the smell permanently?—”

His voice cuts off as he walks into the kitchen from the mudroom. I turn, still clutching our girl in my arms, and shoot him a desperate look.

He understands right away. His nose flares while he inhales, his own eyes dilating behind his glasses before he blinks the instinctive lust away. Or at least tucks it down.

“How long?” he asks calmly, striding toward us. “Was she like this when you walked in?”

Peaches seems oblivious to our conversation. She makes a humming sound and licks a hot stripe up the side of my neck. I grunt while a burst of pre-cum slicks the head of my very hard, very uncomfortable dick.

“She was happy to see me,” I reply, my voice tight as I try not to breathe. “I picked her up. We were kissing…”

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