Page 30 of Knot Her Goal

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And yes, Theo. We’re taking her home now.


I want to leave but Coach is up my asshole.


I’ll deal with Coach. Just get home.

You too, Dec. Now.

*Declan has left the conversation*

Has anyone else ever woken up from an extremely vivid sex dream with their hand down their panties and found a hot doctor standing over them?


Just me?

As soon as my brain comes back online, I fling my hand away from my center. The beautiful man next to me watches while I scrabble into a seated position, gasping on a breath of the most incredible scent I’ve ever encountered.

Well. It’s in the top four, anyway.

The rich, smooth aroma of bourbon mixed with the fresh spice of ginger. Two things that would normally intoxicate or energize, but instead, they have an oddly soothing effect on me. I take another deep breath, loosening the claws digging into my lungs.

Was I panicking a second ago?

Why would anyone panic with this beautiful man to look at?

Oh. Right. Because he is looking at me. And I am currently a not-so-hot mess.

A not-so-hot mess with her panties out?! Except—oh my God—they aren’t even my panties.

I glance down and realize with absolute horror that Remi’s underwear is covered in tiny, purple kitty cats and rainbow hearts.

Then—because, you know, this isn’t mortifying enough—I shriek, “They’re not mine!”

Because that’s somehow better?

Dr. Monroe blinks, his dark brown eyes creasing in confusion behind his square glasses. He looks down at my crotch briefly, then pauses on my chest before turning back to my face. “I’m sorry, what?”

He’s polite. Giving me an out. But do I take it like a sane person?

Of course not.

“THE PANTIES,” I practically shout. “THESE PANTIES AREN’T MINE.”

Dr. Monroe’s gorgeous face leaps in surprise. And for half a second, I think I might actually die from humiliation.

But then he smiles. A bright, beaming smile that fills his whole face with some shiny emotion I don’t have a name for. A quiet chuckle stumbles out of his mouth.

“Good to know,” he says, feigning solemnity. “I was worried. The rainbows or the cats alone would have been one thing, but both together? Concerning.”

I laugh, grateful for his kindness. “Is that your medical opinion?”

“Medical and personal, yes.” He flashes another grin. His smiles are quick, but not in a flirty way. It takes me a second to recognize the shyness behind them. He isn’t used to smiling like this.

That might be adorable, if not for the fact that he just saw my underwear.

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