Page 29 of Knot Her Goal

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He nods, face thunderous. “I put them in their places. No one followed me.”

But they could have.

Even though he doesn’t say the words, I hear him loud and clear. Meg isn’t safe here while she’s perfuming like this.

Ronan and I are both exempt from the League rules banning rut-blockers, but it’s still incredible that neither of us have lost control. Yet.

When I observe Ronan, I notice his white knuckles stretched over closed fists and the muscle ticking in his jaw while he grinds his teeth. The brim of his hat shadows his expression, but it’s one I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. That’s saying something after fifteen years.

When I check in with myself, I find my body in complete conflict. The smell of her, the heat of her bared breasts—a thick pulse pounds into my cock, readying me to take the omega with the siren scent.

My head is shockingly clear, though. Concerned only with her, but in an entirely different way. What does she need? What would she like? How can I keep her safe?

“We have to get her out of here.”

He nods, his jaw wired shut. “Hospital?” he grits.

It’s hard to think straight with Meg’s perfume filling the air. I shut my eyes and focus, imagining the scene if we carried her into the ER like this. She may be better off there, if the nurses and doctors on staff are all betas or bonded alphas. If not…

“Too risky,” I husk out. “She’s likely in a heat-spike. We need to take her somewhere safe until it ends.”

I gather every blanket in sight and begin bundling her. They won’t help much, but any extra layer between us and her soaked panties will help.

“Where?” he growls back, catching on and tucking a sheet around her legs.

Can’t keep her here. Can’t take her into the offices. We don’t know where her friend’s apartment is. Any public place is just as dangerous as the hospital.

I raise my eyes to his. “Home.”



*Ash Pack Group Text*


Meg is having a heat-spike. She passed out.



So wait. I was right?




I told you not to bring her back here.

Get her out of my gym.


Not helpful, Declan.

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