Page 21 of Knot Her Goal

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The one reaction I keep coming back to is… no.


No to all of it.

None of this is what I want. Romance has never been on my radar. I spend half of my life hiding, the other half working myself to the bone.

Until three years ago, omegas couldn’t even get financing for their own houses without an alpha guardian to sign off on it. I didn’t have one of those. So I grew up thinking I would have to save every single penny I needed just to be able to buy a stable place to live. It didn’t exactly leave a lot of time for fake-wedding-planning.

Besides, feeling sorry for myself seemed like a dangerously endless wormhole. If I let myself think too hard about how much time I spent alone, I wasn’t sure how I would continue to function. Failure is not an option when you’re all you have.

On the low coffee table beside me, my phone buzzes. And keeps buzzing. Someone is calling me. I pick it up and hold the screen over my face, watching the words Private Caller scroll by.

Is it… could I possibly be getting a call about the job?

A choked squeal catches in my windpipe. Screwing my eyes shut, I swipe my thumb over the screen. “Hello?”

I don’t recognize my own voice. It’s almost a whisper, for one thing; because I don’t want to wake Remi up. But it also sounds way too shrill, somehow.


I recognize the smoky, rich timbre of Ronan Ash immediately. My insides flip and squirm, my mouth falling open in shock.


When I don’t reply, he clears his throat. “Megera, this is Ronan Ash. We met earlier today.”

“Mr. Ash,” I manage. “Hi. I mean, yes, we did. Hello.”

I slap my palm into my face.

Oh boy.

A rumbling chuckle fills my ear, tightening my nipples. “You said that already,” he points out.

“Sorry, sir,” I stammer. “I mean, Mr. Ash. Sir.”

Whyyyyy am I repeating things? Gah!

I suck in a burst of oxygen and channel all of my control, summoning some poise. “I apologize, sir. I was about to fall asleep when my phone rang.”

“Ronan is fine,” he corrects, noticeably quieter. “And I’ll call you Megera, okay?”

I bite my lip and speak around it. “It’s Meg, actually.”

Another smile in his voice. “Meg.”

I hear commotion behind him. Is he out somewhere? Or still at work?

Ronan makes a reluctant sound. “My pack is here with me. We’d like to talk to you if that’s all right. We can certainly call back in the morning if you’d prefer to get to sleep.”

“No,” I murmur, glancing anxiously at Remi’s door. “Now is fine. Just hold on one moment. I’m staying on a friend’s couch, and I don’t want to wake her.”

I press the phone to my chest as I creep out of the little apartment, into the hallway. It is nice that Remi lives in an omega-only condo complex. They have special security features that mean I can sit in the hallway outside her unit without having to worry someone might walk into the building unannounced.

When I bring the phone back up to my ear, I hear the muttered tones of an argument.


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