Page 156 of Knot Her Goal

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It only takes seconds for Meg to fall asleep beneath me.

I’m relieved. The feeling echoes through me and then back at me, coming from the three other alphas stacked around us.

Because… they’re all still here.

Even though Meg isn’t, really.

Theo’s hand rubs my back, his purr not letting up even though our omega is passed out cold. When he feels my confusion through the bonds, he sends me some impatient emotion that, despite feeling distinctly gruff, seems sort of like… affection?

Of course we aren’t leaving you, it says. We love you, man.

Archer’s hand squeezes my other shoulder. You’re ours just as much as she is, he tells me, his even calm soothing.

Ronan’s fist releases the nape of my neck. He shocks me by pressing his palm against the back of my hair and stroking it. You didn’t believe it before, he realizes, his internal tone heavy and sad. A spark of hope glimmers at the edges. I hope you do now.

How could I not?

They all leave their bonds wide open to me, letting me poke and prod at each emotion. And I do. I give each one a deep, thorough examination. Looking for holes. Lies. A trap.

Ronan’s hand never pauses. “I didn’t know,” he says out loud. “How hard it was for you to believe in all of this. I’m sorry.”

Theo bear hugs me and Meg from the side. “Me too, bro.”

Archer sends a pulse of regret. “I should have tried harder to understand.”

This was on me, though.

Always me, pushing everyone away. Pulling into myself so I wouldn’t get hurt. Which was bullshit because it still hurt like a bitch. And then I got mad at them for that, too.

So many layers to this thing. Archer senses my overwhelm and rubs his hand down my arm, sending his thought without words so it won’t embarrass me. I can find you someone to talk to, he tells me. I want to help.

And he does.

He means it.

He isn’t judging me or thinking I’m weak and wishing he’d hitched his wagon to a better alpha. He just… wants to help me.

I nod, nuzzling my forehead against Meg’s back. She lets out a long sigh, her dreams sending flickers of horny happiness through all four of us. When I look back at Archer, we both smile like idiots.

His eyes warm as they drop to our omega’s face, tracing her features. His thoughts are quiet and wise. He projects them to all four of us, and shares one sentence that settles into my soul. The final piece falling into place.

We have the best reason to be our best selves.

I huddle closer to Meg.

The best reason, ever.

I have no idea what time it is, but some indistinct instinct tells me it’s close to dawn. I blink awake, finding myself face-to-feet with Theo’s hairy toes. With a grimace, I turn my head, just as a flicker of amusement shudders through my bond.


I’m still getting used to that. It almost gives me a heart attack.

Meg reacts to my thump of surprise with another internal giggle. She thinks my disgust regarding Theo’s furry feet is hilarious and a bit melodramatic. I retaliate by reaching down to pinch her side. Her naked body squirms over mine.

The rest of the bonds are silent while the guys sleep. We all got a decent amount of rest, finally.

Archer was right about the bonding helping Meg’s heat. After we all passed out, she only woke up three more times, and each round only required one or two of us to settle her down… unlike the height of her heat, when she could work her way through all four of us and then start all over again.

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