Page 150 of Knot Her Goal

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Why did I work so hard?

I had so much; why push, hustle, struggle, and scrap for more?

For this.

In this moment, it’s all worth it. The moment I finally have what I’ve always wanted.

Meg’s nest is perfect. For three days, none of us have left it unless we needed to get our omega food or water.

Archer is a brilliant bastard for suggesting we install that kitchenette along with a bathroom large enough to fit all of us at once. We’ve used both every day; although, our girl is much keener on washing than she is about eating.

She doesn’t mind the shower as long as it’s dark and we’re all in there with her. When it comes to food, though, I’ve had to break out my softest bark a few times.

It helps that we have a doctor monitoring for any signs of dehydration or exhaustion. He’s fanatical about getting Meg to drink enough water, and it’s hilarious watching him try to persuade her.

Unlike the woman we all know and love in real life, Heat Meg is very pissy when she doesn’t get her way. Declan and I have both spanked her over the last few days—though, when I do it, she moans and submits. When he does it, she fights back, and they both love it.

Theo is the epitome of a team player. He fetches things, heats up all the food, and helps Meg rebuild any part of her nest that gets mussed. He also keeps everyone in good spirits, always making Meg smile, even in the deepest part of her haze.

I’ve never respected these alphas more. I couldn’t be prouder to be their leader.

Right now, Meg sleeps peacefully on Theo’s chest, his purr filling the nest even while he dozes under her. Declan is at an angle, his head against the small of her back and his arms around her hips. They’ve been there for six hours. It’s the longest any of us have slept since we got home on Sunday.

I’m grateful. We’ve fucked non-stop, in every possible configuration, and it’s been incredible. I know we’re all exhausted, though. And I’m not sure if Meg sleeping so much is a sign she’s winding down or preparing for a second wind.

When Archer senses I’m awake, he hoists himself up, sitting beside me against the far wall of the nest so our voices won’t disturb the others.

A soft smile touches his face while he watches them. “Won’t be long, now, I think.”

I try not to get my hopes up and fail miserably. “Until…?”

He makes my dreams come true. “Bonding. I think she’ll wake up much more lucid. Her refractory periods are getting longer, and her haze seems less severe today. We probably have about twelve to eighteen hours left until her fever breaks.”

I rub my palm over my chest, wondering why my heart aches. He smirks at me. “It’s bittersweet,” he adds. “I know. But we’ll be right back here in four to six months. Every four to six months.”

Fuck, that’s amazing. These have been the happiest days of my life, and I get to have them forever.

All because of our sweet little omega.

Sometimes, I swear she can already feel me inside of her. The second I wish she were awake to kiss me, her body twitches. A moment later, two blue eyes pin me in place.

They seem clearer. When I meet her gaze, I don’t get the sense she’s looking through me. Or trying to peer through some sort of fog to look at me.

Her smile blooms. “Alpha.”

She’s lucid and she’s teasing me. Damn Archer for always being right about everything.

He shoots me a shit-eating grin and crawls over to her. “How are you, sweetheart?” he asks, running his hand over head. “You feel a little cooler.”

She blinks, the motion still a bit laggy. She uses a variety of words she hasn’t said in a while, but they’re half-thoughts. “Mm. Good. Happy. Want you. Want the bonds.”

Arch flashes another smile at me, this one triumphant.

Oh fuck.

Is it time?

He picks up the small hand resting over Theo’s heart and scrapes his teeth along her pulse. “You want my bite, omega? All of your alphas’ bites?”

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