Page 140 of Knot Her Goal

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“No,” I insist, mortified. “It will just take a minute. I’ll be right back.”

He grumbles directions, and I nod at the field. The second half is starting. I need him to watch so he can tell me what I miss. “Take detailed mental notes, please.”

The skybox level has a large, luxurious ladies’ room. I spend a couple of minutes standing over the trough of sinks, breathing deeply, convincing myself not to throw up.

I can do this.

Two more hours.

I can do this.

The wrenching pulse of pain below my navel calls me a liar. I whimper quietly, bending over the porcelain.

A sharp laugh echoes through the empty room. I try to turn my head, but a wave of dizziness has me squeezing my eyes closed.

There’s a scoff, punctuated by the sound of heels hitting the tile floor. “God, what gutter did the Ash Pack drag you out of?”

Forcing myself to breathe, I finally lift my gaze to the woman standing just inside the entrance. She’s small and curved—clearly an omega—dressed in a crimson dress that indicates loyalty to our rival team.

When I blink, her features come into focus. They’re mean and beautiful, and way too familiar. As is the mane of auburn hair flowing down her back. The sickly-sweet aroma of torched bananas makes my stomach squirm.


She smiles, the curve of her lips as sharp as a scythe. “So he did mention me.”

I fist my hands to hide their shaking, forcing every ounce of strength I possess into my voice. “Once. He told me you were a liar and a fraud. He told me he was sorry he ever met you and regretted dating you.”

The amusement slides off her face, leaving a cold sneer. “And you believed him?” Her laugh is a hard, brittle thing. “After I saw you at the gala, I knew that you were trashy, but I didn’t realize you were stupid, too.”

I swallow the insane urge to lunge for her throat, internally talking myself down. Don’t make a scene over this bitch. If anyone screams, Ronan’s security will be on us in a second.

“What are you doing here?” I ask. “This is a private level.”

Her barbed smile reappears. “It’s easy to make friends with lots of money when you have something to exchange for their generosity.” Her cool eyes drop down to my crotch. “But you’ve clearly figured out that much. Tell me, who was your in? Was it the big one, Theo?”

She sighs, inspecting her manicure. “I should have gone for him instead. Declan was a man-whore, but he turned out to be so much smarter than I anticipated. And Theo is just so stupid?—”

All of the pain and need and aggression I’ve shoved down rises like a tidal wave. I dig my nails into my palms, baring my teeth in a snarl. The sound that comes out of me can only be described as a warning growl.

“You shut your fucking mouth. You know nothing—nothing—about my pack. Not Declan or Theo or any of them. Otherwise, you’d know they’re all too smart and too honorable to ever go for a bitch like you.”

“You sure about that?” she taunts, waving her phone like it contains some sort of evidence. “Declan did.”

Her implication hits me.

And I laugh.

Not because she’s so obviously lying to stir shit up; not even because I want to seem above her catty drama.

I laugh because the idea of Declan—my Declan, the man I know so very deeply—going back to the woman who caused him nothing but shame and heartache is laughable.

Impossible, actually.

And the fact that my Omega and I both know it, beyond a shadow of a doubt, even while I’m half-sane from heat hormones; the knowledge sends a giddy thrill through my body.

“No, he didn’t,” I tell her, unable to hide my smile. “Because he’s mine. I’m sorry for you, though. I know it must hurt, losing him. Trust me, I can imagine it better than anyone. But you hurt him, too. You almost broke my pack. And if I tell Ronan you’re here…”

I imagine his reaction, his rage. A shiver moves over me. “It won’t be good for you,” I finish. “So, the best thing I can offer you now is advice—leave. Leave this stadium. Leave Declan alone. Hell, leave the state if you need to, but, for now, get the hell away from me and my pack.”

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