Page 84 of Risking the King

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“You were having a nightmare,” he said, the concern on his face breaking my heart. But now was not the time to get into my dream.

That could come later.

I let go of Nicco and sat up, wiping my eyes with my hands. “No, it was a good dream. I’ll tell you about it later.”

I yawned.

And then Nicco yawned.

And Carlo and I laughed.

Carlo held him in his arms, and I snuggled up to both of them. “He’s not crying,” Carlo observed cautiously.

“He’s not crying,” I repeated his words back to him.

“He looks almost—” Carlo started to say, but I finished for him.


Carlo nodded.

We stared at him for another minute until I gently touched his hand, and he instantly wrapped it around my finger.

And then.

He smiled.

At me.

I gave him a very teary smile right back. “I knew you were in there somewhere.”

He grinned a big slobbery smile at me again. I couldn’t stop myself. I reached in and pulled him out of Carlo’s arms. Then I cradled him against me. Our eyes still locked. Holding each other with our gazes.

“You just needed a full belly.” I grabbed his hand and kissed it. He smelled like baby powder and—love.

“He just needed a mother.” Carlo kissed the side of my head and I turned to look up at him. I couldn’t read the expression on his face. “Can you really do this?” He peered at Nicco, and then back to me. “Can you love another woman’s baby?” His voice was filled with astonishment. No. More like—admiration.

“I already do.” A couple of tears escaped down my cheeks. “Do you really think she’s not coming back?” I asked him, probably needlessly. Stassia was a selfish beast. It wasn’t that far of a stretch to imagine her not wanting anything to do with motherhood.

She’d gotten what she wanted. Carlo—even if it was just for a short time. And a payday after handing over his son.

“She’s gone, Giselle.” He shook his head and didn’t seem happy about Stassia leaving. Not at all. “I can’t believe she’d abandon her own baby. A kid shouldn’t have to grow up without a mother. Even if that mother is a materialistic bitch.”

A light tap sounded at the door, and we turned to see Nick and Eve standing there. I hadn’t heard them open the door, so I had no idea how long they’d been there.

“He doesn’t have to grow up without a mother.” Eve strolled into our room, and Nick followed close behind.

She sat on the bed in front of me and smiled at us all. “He loves you already, Giselle.”

Carlo nodded and squeezed my leg. “She’s right. He’s claimed you.”

Nicco was still staring up at me. Wide-eyed. Barely blinking. He was being so darn cute. Maybe Carlo was right.

Maybe he had claimed me.

Or—maybe I’d claimed him.

“How do we—explain him, though?” My mind started racing through the years.

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