Page 81 of Risking the King

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Two babies under one. And a three-year-old.

And I was pregnant.

Good grief.

“Can we talk about this in fifty-six minutes?” I pleaded with Carlo. There was nothing we could do in the next hour to solve this problem. And he and I desperately needed sleep.

“Yeah,” he said, his eyes shutting as he yawned.

And then, because yawns were contagious—I followed suit and yawned, too. My whole body participating and shaking while I did so.

After that, I closed my eyes and cleared my mind as well as I could. Surprisingly, it worked.

Or maybe it was just the pure exhaustion.

But I slept.

We slept.

All of us.

Then Nicco’s cry pierced through the silence and woke us all up.

Oddly, my body felt stiff. Like I’d been asleep for longer than an hour.

Marcello started crying now, too.

Carlo let out a moan and pulled his arm from under my head.

I rolled to the edge of the bed and looked at my phone. It said seven o’clock. That couldn’t be right. Could it?

I looked at the drapes and saw light peeking from behind them.

And then—my breasts began to throb. The pain radiated through my body, and I winced as I gently touched my right breast. I was so overly full my breast felt hard.

Carlo picked up one baby, then two. I wasn’t sure how he managed it, but he walked over to the bed and laid them both down. Two big, strong babies crying and fussing for their next meal.

I sat back against the headboard while Carlo finished changing Marcello’s diaper. Then he passed him to me. I attached him to my left breast and felt almost instant relief. “You’re going to help your momma out. Right?” He nuzzled into me and did his best with my strong flow. When I was this full, my milk came out in spurts.

My right breast was still in pain, though. I needed my pump.

“Dang,” I said, looking over at my hand pump that was across the room. I should have grabbed it while Carlo was changing Marcello.

“What do you need?” he asked with a frown. He was almost done changing Nicco.

“My pump. I’m so full, it hurts. There’s no way he’s going to drain both breasts. And I don’t want to end up a bigger problem.”

He nodded and picked up Nicco. A very upset Nicco. He was probably hungry. And scared. His mother wasn’t here. And who knew when the heck she’d be back to see him again?

Carlo picked up my pump and headed back over to hand it to me.

Then he walked to the door, Nicco in his arms. Probably to get a bottle from the kitchen.

“Come back when you get him a bottle. Maybe he’ll eat if he’s beside Marcello.”

Carlo turned back and nodded.

I pushed my nightie down on my right side and fitted the pump to my breast. As I waited for it to start relieving my pain—nothing was happening. I tried it a few more times—but nothing.

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