Page 72 of Risking the King

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Or think.

My mind was racing, but it was also slogging through quicksand at the same time.

What did she say?

And what did she mean?

She couldn’t—

She and Carlo didn’t have—




This couldn’t be happening.

This was not happening.

A shrill baby’s cry sounded in the background. “Shit, he’s up. I have to go. I fired the last nanny he hired. Tell Carlo I need another one as soon as possible.” And with that, she hung up.

I was left standing there. The world around me spinning and twirling, ready to knock me over.

“Oh, my gosh. Are you okay?” I heard Eve’s voice and my head instantly turned to her. She stood in front of the patio doors. “Are you sick?” She started walking toward me.

“Is—” I panted, already out of breath. “Did—” I took a second to collect my words. “Did Stassia have Carlo’s baby?” Just saying it gave me a horrible stomach ache. There was no way in the world this was true. Stassia was obviously lying.

Or maybe I’d heard her wrong.

Maybe I was in the middle of one of my nightmares. That must be what was happening.

None of this was actually happening.

The concerned look on Eve’s face fell.

Like, fell.

And it exposed something horrible.

The truth.

I dropped Carlo’s phone and dashed for the bathroom. I was going to be physically sick.

I heard Eve yell something, but I couldn’t hear what. The blood was rushing through my head so quickly it drowned everything else out.

I barely made it to the toilet.

I’d never cried and vomited at the same time. And I didn’t recommend it.

Huge sobs wracked through my body as I let go of everything in my stomach.

“Christ,” Carlo said behind me. His strong arms wrapped around my torso, and he held me while I finished.

I wanted to push out of his arms, and I also wanted to melt into them.

The emotions rolling through my bodywere fast and out of control.

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