Page 71 of Risking the King

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I gazed at her smiling face and giggled. “Sounds good.”

Then I wandered into the house, closing the door behind me. After I set the glasses down on the counter, I heard a buzzing noise. My phone was outside on the table. Or at least I thought it was. I felt around in my pockets for a second but didn’t find it.

Then my eyes spotted a phone on the coffee table in the living room. From here, it looked like Carlo’s. I hurried to it and picked it up.

My stomach sank when I read the screen. It said, “Stassia calling.”


My eyes stared at the phone, unblinking as it continued to buzz.

I could feel my stomach twist and churn at seeing her name again.

Why the heck was she calling Carlo?

Anger started coursing through my veins and I tried to breathe deeply.

When she finally gave up, I saw on the screen that she’d called him five times already today.




Did Stassia really think she could win back Carlo now? After I’d given him a son, and was possibly going to give him another one in less than eight months?

Not to mention the fact that he’d asked me to marry him again.

And if we didn’t have the rather large Sergio complication, Carlo and I would probably be married already.

What the heck was she thinking?

The phone started buzzing in my hand again. It was Stassia.

The more I looked at her name, the angrier I got.

Who the heck did she think she was calling my fiancé? Was she trying to insert herself back into his life again?

Because that was definitely not going to happen.

Ever again.

I could feel myself ready to explode. And the person I wanted to explode on was buzzing in my hand right now.

I didn’t know what made me do it—my rage, or the over-protective pregnancy hormones—but I swiped the screen and said, “Hello, Stassia. How are you?”

There was a short silence before she cleared her throat and asked, “Is Carlo there?”

I smiled wickedly to myself. “He’s not. Can I take a message?”

She sighed loudly into the phone. “Fine. Tell him that the NICU bill is due this week. He still hasn’t paid it. And there’s no way I’m paying for half of that DNA test. He’s the one that wanted it. So, he can pay for it. And tell him that Nicco is running out of formula. I need more. The case that he brought over is almost gone. Oh, and don’t forget diapers. He needs more of those, too.”

I was frozen to the living room floor.

I couldn’t talk.

Or breathe.

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