Page 16 of Risking the King

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In her first days awake in the hospital, she slept a lot.

But she was also critically ill. That sleep she needed.

Now, her body had healed, but not all the way. She still had a long way to go.

But man, she came a long way from where she’d started. I knew her body was better. But that was when her mind took a downward spiral.

She was constantly pissed about everything. The food. The temperature of the room. My breathing.

Anything and everything she could complain about, she did.

It was draining. I didn’t care, though. As long as it meant she was still talking to me, I’d listen to anything that came out of that woman’s mouth.

“Do you want to hold him?”

She let out a long huffing noise. “You’re the one that wanted him so badly. You hold him.” Her voice was terse and sharp. This was not my Giselle. Not at all. My Giselle would be grabbing our son out of my arms and hogging him to herself. She’d feed him and kiss him. And love him completely.

The woman that lay beside me now was someone completely different.

“He’s your baby, too, Giselle. Why don’t you try to hold him?” I had a theory in my head. I wasn’t sure if it would work or not. But fuck if I didn’t want to try it, anyway.

In my mind, I thought if Giselle held the baby, that something might just—click. And turn on her mothering instinct.

She rolled back over, and I wondered if this would be the time that she’d give in and hold Marcello.

“Our son? How do you know that he’s yours?” Her eyes glared at me like she wanted me to burn in hell.

“Because after you gave birth, you told me he was mine,” I reminded her.

She let out a sharp laugh. “Uh, huh. And did you get a DNA test?”

Every muscle in my body tensed up at her question.

“Tell me, Carlo. Did you believe me? Or did you get a DNA test done?”


I didn’t want to lie to her. There were already so many secrets we kept from each other.

“I believed you, Giselle. And I also got a DNA test done.”

She let out a louder laugh this time. But it wasn’t a happy laugh. Not at all.

“Yeah, you trusted me all right. You trusted me so much that you ran out to get him tested the second you could.”

I wanted to argue with her. To remind her that she’d specifically told me to get a test done.

“I knew he was mine,” I told her, trying not to get pissed off. Patience was the only way I’d be able to deal with this woman beside me. Until my woman came back.

“Right, you knew. So that’s why you had him tested. Makes sense.” Then she turned around, slowly, and faced away from us again.

“I love you, Giselle,” I said the words I’d uttered many times before. And just like each time since I’d brought her home from the hospital, she didn’t respond.

The one thing that did surprise me was that she’d agreed to sleep in my bed. It wasn’t until the middle of the night on day one that I understood why.

Her nightmares were fucking horrific.

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