Page 14 of Risking the King

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Stefan retreated and stood off to the side behind Eve.

I picked my chair up and sat down, still ready to yank Stefan’s fuckin’ head off if I had to.

“Good,” Nick said, and sat back down again. “What about medical help? Assessments? Medications?”

I looked at Nick, but not my brother. “I’ve had everyone and their dog over here to do that for her. She won’t talk to them. And she won’t take any medications. The only time she gets out of bed is to pump or go to the bathroom.”

She refused to breastfeed Marcello. Out and out refused.

But her breasts were so sore, she’d started using a breast pump sometime on the second day out of the ICU.

“She hardly pays any attention to Dani. And I’ve never seen her hold the baby. She doesn’t even acknowledge his presence.” Eve was telling the truth. And it was all disturbing as fuck.

Giselle had always been a wonderful mother. Looking after Dani was second nature to her. But now, she had no interest.

Yes, she spoke to Dani. Yes, she told Dani that she loved her.

But no, she didn’t get out of bed to play with Dani or change her clothes. Or brush her hair.

None of the things that Giselle would normally do for her daughter.

And as for the baby—Eve was also right about him.

Giselle acted like he didn’t exist at all.

“There are enough of us around to be there for those kids. Giselle helped us out when we needed her the most.” Eve’s hand landed on her husband’s arm. Nick set his hand on hers and they shared a look.

Eve was right about all of that, too. Dani and Marcello had many arms to hold them and care for them.

“None of us are their mother, though. You guys are missing the whole fucking point.” Stefan shook his head and started pacing around, looking agitated.

“Oh, you’re helping out, are you?” I glared at my brother.

His head snapped to me. “If you weren’t here, yeah, I’d be here a lot more fuckin’ often than I am.”

Nick cut in and interrupted our back and forth. “The bullshit you two share has no room at this table. I called you all here to help Giselle,” he reminded us of our mission.

So, I shut up.

We talked for a while before I excused myself to check on her. I didn’t like to go more than an hour without laying eyes on Giselle. If I got to minute sixty-one, something in my gut started to twist and turn.

It physically hurt to be away from her. I walked inside my quiet house and headed through the living room. Halfway up the stairs, I heard Marcello’s shrill cry.

And I smiled.

My son.

My father’s namesake. He would be so proud and excited to see his first grandson.

I rushed up the rest of the stairs and down the hall to his room.

The rest of the kids were sleeping, and I wanted to keep it that way.

Opening the nursery door, the scent of baby powder filled my nose.

Baby powder and—yeah.

A full diaper.

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