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“Yes, I do.” I battle for stability amid the rushing tides of everything Marcella is and everything she has brought into my life. Reaching in my pocket, I withdraw a box decorated in ocean blues. “With any luck at all,” I begin, “we’ve reached our ten heart event, so according to the laws of Stardew Valley, you have to accept this.”

As Marcella’s mouth falls open, I reveal the corkscrew shell necklace dubbed the Mermaid’s Pendant in the game and defined as the item used to propose marriage to a marriage candidate.

“What do you say?” I ask.

“Stop,” she whispers, clasping her hands to her mouth. “This is like the dream.”

“Is that a yes?”

She leaps into my arms. “It’s an I do.”

And, then, our officiator says, “You may kiss the bride.”

But, this time, she kisses me.


Sincerely, Yours.

– Marcella

Finn’s eyes sparkle like two fancy smancy champagne flutes over his armful of two incredibly fat stuffed chickens with square eyes. The longer I stare at him, daring him to explain why he’s interrupting me during work when his schedule says he’s supposed to be answering the emails I forwarded to him an hour ago, the wider his grin.

“What’s with the chickens?” I ask.

“They’re Stardew chickens. Your favorites. The blue and black ones.”

I hum. “I did absolutely notice that. Which is problematic. Because that probably means they’re for me, and you are on a buying me things ban ever since I made a joke about hating how our bedroom is on the top floor and I’m too tired in the morning to survive walking downstairs, and—”

“And I put in a slide. I know.” His eyes roll.

I smile.

He got that little trait from me.

And, as I bite my lip, I’ll give you one guess as to what I’ve picked up from him…

He continues, “That was three weeks after we got back from our honeymoon on the island, and I’ve behaved myself ever since, haven’t I?”

“I would say yes, but the proof that you haven’t rests before me. Like an adorable bruise.”

Heaving a sigh, Finn sets the chickens down atop my keyboard, leans over my desk, and grips my chin in his palm. He stretches my neck while I forget absolutely everything I’m upset about. “Pumpkin,” he murmurs, “do you know what today is?”

“November 30…ohhh…” I press my lips together. “It’s our anniversary, isn’t it?”

“Indeed it is, my love.”

“Well then. That is unfortunate. For you.” I begin to stand. “Mr. Marsh, I’d like to take some time off for a special occasion.”

“Sit down.”

I pop my sweet little rump back in my seat and pout.

“Don’t give me those eyes,” he murmurs.

“Why not? They’re big and brown for a reason.”

He sighs and has the audacity to move himself behind my desk with me, where he rests against the edge and curls a few fingers in my hair before tugging on the strands. “The reason cannot be to torment me.”

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