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He continues, “We are married. I am ashamed of nothing that happened, and it hurts me to see you think you should be.”

I release a breath and turn my attention out the window. Sunlight rains across the chilled yard that will soon no doubt be awash in snow. “Women aren’t encouraged to express those kinds of wants. It’s crass.”

“Human foolishness.”

“We have very different cultures, and we are from very different ages. How is this even supposed to work at some point, once I’ve figured all the grand rest of it out?”

“A relationship works when both involved parties want it to work. We have many things in common, Kassandra, but even if we didn’t, so long as I find it fascinating the way you light up when you talk about what you enjoy, your interests will begin to become mine. When someone is important to you, whatever is important to them becomes important to you as well. Your values, wishes, and dreams will become what I value, wish, and dream. We are both adults capable of mature deliberation. Loving you is a decision I make with full awareness. I hope, one day, loving me will be one you make as well.”

“I have never been in a serious relationship before.”

“In this context, neither have I.”

“So how do you know what you’re saying is true?”

“Because I can say it, at the very least, it must be something I believe. And as I have studied this topic extensively, I can assume it closer to fact than it is to belief.”

My brow furrows. “Why would you study things you didn’t think you could have because you were unseelie?”

The softest edge of a smile curves his lips. “Whether I had a soulmate or not, I still desired a cure for the fear I impose on people unintentionally.”

“What does that have to do with relationships?”

“Nothing, and everything. Perhaps…thirty years ago or so, I met the first seelie fae who was unaffected by me.”

“Pila, right?” I ask.

He nods. “She had just sprouted. Cael brought this infant to me, and I panicked that my presence alone might instantly kill her. Instead…she laughed and let me hold her.” He traces the handle of his teacup with his thumb. “Every so often, a being is born of something so pure and powerful their existence alone can change the world. Do you know what is stronger than fear, dearest?”

I meet his eyes as the answer comes to mind. It’s too simple. And, yet, it is also more complicated than anything else in the world.

Smiling, he says, “Love.”

Chapter 25


Are the odds ever truly in our favor?

I did not message Willow.

I am still processing the events of yesterday morning’s breakfast.

And, yet, here I sit with a little kitty in my lap, staring blearily at my phone after my message tone awakened me from my late afternoon nap.

My bad.

Did I say message tone, implying it was singular?

How silly of me.

Willow: Bookstore.

Willow: Sorry. Context.

Willow: Pollux says you’re one of us, one of us now, so I found your phone number online after a little digging. I also know your parents’ names and your home address.

Willow: Still living with your parents is totally okay, but have we not noticed the pretty spooky manor that could be your home?

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