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“Not even the darker ones? The unseelie ones, like you?”

“It is a law that does not discriminate. Every word I will ever speak to you must either be something I believe that has no contradicting facts or the simple truth.”

I take a step forward, then another, and another, until I’m standing inches from red and black eyes. I settle my hand in his and watch his pupils dilate. “You really love me, don’t you?

“So much more than I can even comprehend.”

“How can you love someone who doesn’t even know who they are?”

“I adore the potential of whatever you might become. A love based on anything that can be quantified is fickle. People grow. They learn. They incorporate new knowledge into their characters.” Bending, he touches a kiss to my fingertips. “My love is not a conditional sort you will ever need to concern yourself with losing as you adapt and find the person you want to be.”

It’s a beautiful idea.

I squeeze his hand, and he lifts his attention, but not his head.

Our eyes meet.

My jaw clenches. “I am glad you’re not actually abusing your daughter, or in a cult.”

“I’ll not quibble over it, but the cult thing was definitely outside my wildest expectations,” he mumbles.

“What else was I supposed to do with the statement we believe in the fae? Why would you even say that and assume it wasn’t going to concern me? It makes you sound like an insane person! An insane person who is taking one of my littles off into insane land!” My voice pitches.

“In case you haven’t noticed, Kassandra, my social abilities where human mentalities are concerned happen to be severely lacking.”

“Yeah,” I huff. “I’ve noticed.”

“The humans speak an incredibly different and roundabout language. It confuses me. I apologize for the emotional strain I have caused due to it.” Rising to his full height, Pollux looks down at me, lifts his free hand, and draws one knuckle across my cheekbone. Unwelcome heat rises in the wake of his touch, and the corners of his mouth soften. “All is well, dearest. You are taking this better than my worries had convinced me you would.”

“Don’t you dare…”

“Dare to what?”

I pull my gaze off him. “I don’t know,” I mumble. “Seduce me like that.”

He turns his hand and caresses the pad of his thumb around my ear. “Is that what I’m doing? It’s not intentional.”

“Somehow, that makes it even worse.”

“How come?”

“It’s a pride thing. When people are aware they’re attractive or smart, it’s annoying, but if they’re oblivious, if it’s just natural for them, it’s beautiful.”

“I suppose the strangeness of humans shouldn’t surprise me at this point. I have spent many years coloring dreams into nightmares with little certainty on what exactly sets the horrors of each apart. And, yet, this concept that humans find an absence of awareness attractive baffles me.”

“Pride is irritating. Confidence can quickly become cocky. I know. I’ve watched and learned.”

“I would appreciate it if you unlearn what you have watched. You are smart, and beautiful, and I at least am not offended if you act like you know it.”

I try to step back, but his hold on my hand remains firm; the tickle of his touch against my cheek stays present. “Please release me. I think I’m going to go home now.”

“In a moment.”


“Dearest…it is important to me that I tell you this before you go.”

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