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My system crashes.

I cover my mouth. “Oh.” I accepted a faerie proposal. I’m fae married. What an unwelcome turn of events at the end of a long road of corkscrew U-turns. Gracious, what a delightful cherry atop this glorious disaster. I’ll mentally compartmentalize that at a later point. “Well then. We’re married. Moving on.” Dropping my arm, I clamp my hands together in front of my skirt. “I have boundaries.”

“Of course.”

“And a lot of questions.”


“I’ll start with my boundaries tonight, because I don’t think I have the mental fortitude for the questions at this hour.”

He nods once.

“First off, everything that has happened between us in the dream plane…hasn’t happened.”

His brow furrows above those dark, blood red eyes.

“I’m a skank. Let’s agree to never bring it up again.”

“I don’t think you’re a—”

“Next thing, you’re not allowed to claim me without my permission. This is a lot to take in. I need to make sense of it and reclaim who I am before we proceed romantically in any way.” I free a breath, close my eyes. “I’m sorry so far for leading you on. I didn’t know what I was doing.”

“I promise I will not claim you without permission. A fae’s promise is binding.”

I search his eyes. “I appreciate it.”

“Is there anything else that will bring you comfort tonight?”

“Zahra. Some faerie needs to talk to her and explain why she can hear what she can’t see.”

“I imagine it’s because she’s part fae as well. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what kind or provide further information. Humans who are unable to perceive Faerie go insane if they are brought into that world. There is nothing I can do for her and no answers I can provide that would make anything better.”

“Can anyone you know tell her what she is?”

“I do not recommend seeking out the only person I know capable of classifying strangers.”

My eyes narrow. “But there is someone?”

He sighs, almost defeated. “Castor.”

From what I’ve heard about Castor, I don’t think I want Zahra around him, either. From what I’ve gathered, he’s currently lurking in this town, ready to take revenge on Cael for hurt feelings. Letting Zahra talk to the evil prince Andromeda has brought up time and again is not a good idea. Setting the matter aside for the moment, I forge wearily on. “Me.”


“You know what I am. How come?”

He grunts. “The bond of soulmates gives me a unique access to the sensation of your soul. I can taste what you are on the tip of my tongue.”

I shiver. “Well?”

“At this precise moment, it is more important that we discover who you are prior to revealing what.”


“For all the same reasons I have been cautious thus far. You have delicately woven barriers in your mind and constrained your actions in order to present a more palatable façade for the environment you’ve found yourself in.” He lifts his hand, offering. “Allow me to educate you in the essence of Faerie in an effort to ease you into my world. I love you, Kassandra. I want to take care of you. I want to learn more about you. I want to see you free and breathtakingly happy. If you have trusted me enough to come here tonight, please believe that you are safe and in control. With your permission, all I ask is that you let me be your guide.”

I flick my gaze down to his hand, then back up to his eyes. “The fae can’t lie?”

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