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If Kassandra was subconsciously suppressing her faerie blood, it may be unwise for him to shatter the picture of her normal world. Also, if her hatred was linked to him in more substantial ways than he presently could decipher— Well, plainly, unlocking the kind of power she held might lead to his untimely demise.


And, of course, the plausibility of that threat was not supposed to make his heart beat faster. It was not intended to make him want her more desperately. Unfortunately…however…it really did. Exactly how messed up did he have to be to feel excited in response to the concept of his woman fighting him to the death?

He was desperate to play with the sparks.

Dropping his hands, he looked in the mirror again.

He felt the burn of her lips against his cheek.


She had most definitely called him pretty.

On some level, Pollux knew that soulmates were crafted specifically for their other halves. He had not expected the bond to alter perception like that, though.

Heat rose, so he covered his cheeks with a claw, averted his eyes, and began pacing.

Perhaps he should create a comprehensive pamphlet for her? Maybe a presentation? An essay, at the very least? Some gentle, multi-step program to ease her in to all things faerie in a way that she would understand, accept, and not wind up hurt in the process of. Willow had mentioned wanting such a thing. Pollux was not above learning through others.

He and Kassandra were married—by human terms.

But that was another thing.

If she didn’t believe he was fae and therefore could have no knowledge of the fact soulmates were a thing, if she hated him because she assumed he was mistreating Andromeda somehow, if there was no reason for her to assume his actions were explained with cultural differences, why had she accepted the marriage kitten?

Had she not known it was a marriage kitten?

She had to.

What adult human would provide another adult human with a kitten in private without it being a proposal? That was disgraceful! Inappropriate! A scurrilous attack on her integrity to even ponder a situation in which she was unaware.

What exactly did Pollux need to understand better?

Romance? Humanity? Women?

All the above?

She hated him. She thought he was pretty, like this, for some reason. She didn’t believe he was taking care of Andromeda.

He kept returning to that revelation since her mind had forcibly kicked him out of her dream. That part hurt him the most.

If only he’d been able to pay attention properly and respond appropriately when they’d first met.

Her existence had blindsided him. Most of his life he’d been led to believe unseelie fae like him weren’t supposed to have soulmates. But Cael got his, and then…then Pollux’s appeared. Like a bomb. Dropped right into his heart.

It scrambled his brain. The amount of active research he had done in this field was zero. The amount of practice he could get with anyone else was zero. His only option was to fumble and make a fool of himself in front of his one and only soulmate as he figured things out.


This was the problem with being the one everyone else went to for help…

What was he supposed to do when he was lost?

Like an answer to his unspoken question, his senses pricked as Willow approached his home.

Shedding his more monstrous form in favor of the one he’d come to naturally hold in front of friends, he went out to greet her. He made it to the center of his balcony right as she plowed through his front door, ignoring every last haunted mansion detail he had woven into the glamour that protected his home from prying human eyes. Stopping in the foyer, she crossed her arms and looked up at him. A slight shudder shook her frame, but she got over it, opened her mouth, and—

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