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“Is okay one of those words that doesn’t mean anything to the fae?”

The touch of a curve lightens the corner of his mouth. “Yes.”

“Could you answer me as though I’ve asked the right question?”

Instead of answering me, he leans his big body toward me and plants a slightly chilled kiss against my cheek.

My fingers flex into the marshmallows. “What…was that for?”

“Not even five years ago, I lived alone and relied on alcohol as a means to fend off the constant ache of loneliness in my soul in between the brief moments when Pila or Cael would visit me. I’ve never liked the way it felt, burning down the back of my throat. Some of it tastes good, but a lot more is awful.” His attention lifts, and I see starlight in the inky blacks of his eyes. “In a way, I guess it was self harm. A pain I could control. Something to fill the static.” His eyes close. “Now, I have Meda. And Willow. And Alexios. You. Your parents.” His jaw locks as a swallow moves his throat. “I have a family.” He rakes his fingers back through his hair. “I’m overwhelmed by how quickly things can change. It’s like you’ve said. Good or bad, change is still a lot to take in.”

Involuntarily, my entire body gravitates toward his until my shoulder touches his arm and my head rests against him. “I’m glad you understand. I’m sorry you’re overwhelmed right now.” My heart jumps, and I pull away. “I probably shouldn’t be touching you if you’re—”

His large arm moves, dragging me in against him, holding me steady against his side as his nose and lips press into the top of my head. “You are a piece of me. My skin will never flinch at your touch.”

Heat soars up from my hot chocolate to bathe my face. “This is really happening, huh?”


“Moving in together. Being soulmates. Being…husband and wife. Eventually, at least.”

He swears softly as he lifts his mug to his lips. “I hope so. I want you in my life. I want to see you unravel at the seams.” He exhales a laugh into his drink. “I want to pull threads.”

“You want a front-row seat to watch me fall apart?”

He glances my way, smiling. “Absolutely.”

My heart shakes as I pop a mini marshmallow in my mouth. “You really are a beast, dreamboy.” I clear my throat. “Hey. Could you…” I lose all my nerve.

“If I can, yes. Anything.”

Even though it’s frigid out here, I don’t feel a lick of the icy wind. “My parents are in bed, right? They didn’t lie to us after dinner when they said they were going to bed, right? If I turn around, I’m not going to see them pressed to the sliding glass door and watching us, right?”

“They are on the other side of the house, talking about us.”

My nose scrunches.

“Your father thinks I’m a nice boy.” Pollux’s brows rise, and he muffles his words in his hot chocolate. “I’m not going to repeat what your mother is saying.”

That is absolutely for the best.

My shoulders relax. “Could you change forms?”

“Into what?”

I nudge him. “You…know. Monster Pollux.”

“Are you going to put marshmallows on my claws?”

Blinking down at the bag, I contemplate that. “Well. Now I might.” My eyes meet his. “You don’t want to?”

Slowly, darkness bleeds from his eyes to stretch across his cheeks. Setting his mug aside, he lifts my face in his clawed hand. “I want to be whatever it is you want me to be.” His nails prick my skin, so present yet so gentle. “Tell me, dearest, how much do I have to pretend to become that person?”

Lifting a fingertip, I trace his skin. The stillness of winter’s approach wraps around me, but right here, it’s very warm. “You don’t.”

“Are you sure?”

“I… Yeah. I’m sure.”

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