Page 34 of These Family Ties

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“You’re not taking the car. You’ll have to walk wherever you’re going,” she snarks with attitude.

“Fine by me, Mer. Anything to get us away from you,” I shoot back over my shoulder.

Not liking that, she stomps to her room. Her steps shake the flimsy cellophane-like walls as she goes.

A car honks outside, and I see Henry getting out of my car right on time.

I collect Swayze’s things in a duffle bag I find under her bed. Clothes on the floor, from her closet, and her bed sheets. I don’t forget the picture frame she has of us on her dresser and the knit bear I got her from when she was little. The room isn’t bare, but I’m only grabbing the things that mean something to her. Whatever else she needs we can replace it. We’re going to make it through this, Zair-Bear.

And I close the door, hoping I’m closing this chapter of our lives.

Chapter Fifteen


Picking up my tip from the last customer, I shove it into my pocket and clean off the table. The diner is pretty much empty now except for two guests left at the back. It’s almost time to run them out of here. I pick up the baskets, take them to the wash, and dump them out. A customer didn’t touch their fries, and my stomach groans loudly.

“Shit, I need to eat.” I pull the cash from my apron. This, along with the money I made yesterday, will allow me to get some groceries and more shampoo and conditioner. Thank god I didn’t have to give my money to Kyle. Even though he had to die for me to be able to eat tomorrow. RIP, bong breath.

Not wanting to waste my meager tips, I resort to hiding away in the back and picking off the previous customer’s basket.

The salt hits my taste buds, and my stomach growls louder. They’re not the best-tasting fries ever because they’re cold and soggy now from the ketchup that’s squirted all over them, but they’re better than nothing. Which nothing is what I’ve had today. After the first bite, I tear into them. I finally stop when I’m only left with a few overly fried pieces left at the bottom. My stomach is no longer twisting itself inside out, so that’s a good sign. Hooray for small miracles.

I’m throwing away the basket liner when the bell to the door sounds. I hurry out, expecting the stragglers to be gone, but instead I’m met with the warm brown eyes of my father. My chest fills with warmth at the sight of him. I was worried after the meeting this morning with Reaper that he might’ve dipped out on us, or that something bad might’ve happened to him like being sent back to jail again.

I greet him at the bar, leaning over and hoping he gets an eye full. “What brings you in here, Big Daddy?”

He smirks and I have to admit any smile, even half of one, looks good on his stone cold features. “Came to take my baby girl home. You ready?”

My shoulders drop slightly remembering the two people at the back of the diner. “Almost.” I point a hitchhiker's thumb in their direction.

“Ahhh. Well, I’ll meet you in the truck.” He tilts his head toward a beautiful blue Tacoma sitting out front.

“No fucking way! That’s yours?” I ask, exasperated.

“And yours.” I cover my mouth with my hand so flies don’t land in it. I glance back at him and he nods. “No more walking to work. You can borrow it anytime you want.”

I squeal and literally leap over the counter to wrap my arms around his neck. “Thank you, Daddy!” The customers are still lingering, peering at us with disgust. Whatever. They can find somewhere else to look if it's a problem.

“Okay. Okay.” He rubs my back. “I’ll see you out there.” He backs away from the counter and heads for the door but stops to add. “And no sneaking out back this time.”

I give him a salute. “Yes, sir.”

“Keep that up, and I’m going to make you start calling me that.”

I giggle, feeling lighter for the rest of my shift. Daddy came back for me.


Once the last two people leave, I clean up in a hurry to get outside. I open Daddy’s truck door, and I’m hit by a megawatt of dark, creamy sandalwood with a dark bite of rum and coffee. It’s intoxicating. If I thought the station wagon was filled with his scent, this would put that to shame. I have to jump in, grabbing the emergency oh-shit handle, and I’m on Daddy in mere seconds, kissing his stubbled jaw that tickles my lips.

“I’m so happy to see you,” I admit as he puts the car in drive and speeds away.

“I’m happy to see you too, baby girl.”

I lean back in my seat, but not before noticing my comforter and bags in the back. “Is that my shit?” My blood runs cold, and my fingertips go numb. Why are my things here?

“That’s what I need to talk to you about,” he states huskily.

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