Page 22 of These Family Ties

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Daddy Knows Best

Ayden Perry

Chapter One


“Fuck, you’re tight,” he whispers against my lips as he pulls his fingers from my pussy.

“Ah, shit, man!” Thomas jeers from the side.

I don’t know why he brought his friend with him when he knew he was about to get laid. Maybe he needed proof that he was slumming it because no one would believe the football star would ever set foot in my trailer park. Yet here we are, with him, beneath me and between my thighs.

“Shut up, Thomas,” Cole hisses, shooting daggers in Thomas’s direction.

“He can join,” I offer, yanking my shirt over my head, the last vestige of my clothing landing somewhere in the small room. My nipples pebble from the cool air blowing from the vents.

“Hell yeah!”

“No,” Cole cuts Thomas off immediately. “He’s… got a girlfriend. She’ll go crazy if she finds out.”

Thomas deflates, shoulders slumping. Thomas doesn’t have a girlfriend that I know of. Cole’s jaw flexes as if he’s angry at my suggestion. I’m not sure why. He’s here, watching… might as well join.

“Whatever.” I brush it off. It could be fun to have someone watch. Even though I’ve fucked a multitude of times, I don’t think I’ve ever had an audience. I hate to say it, but my extensive roster is probably my mom’s fault. She says we wield power between our thighs, and I wield that shit hard. She must have some major pussy power because when she lets the local drug dealer shimmy between hers, she doesn’t need to pay for her next fix.

It works for me, too. It’s the only reason I passed junior year. Screwing the class nerd seems to have paid off because that’s all it took for him to write all my papers for class. I missed too much class to have a fighting chance of getting on the Principal’s list. The Principal’s Cock? Absolutely. I’m the oldest in my senior class, the result of being held back once already. I’m not letting that happen again.

“Move up some,” I command, and Cole responds like a good little puppy, sliding his naked body along my fluffy pale comforter–taking me along for the ride as I remain straddling his thighs. His arm muscles bulge, and his six-pack flexes as he maneuvers his body. His strong corded neck strains as there’s no more bed to rest his head on, so now he views the world upside down. In this position, he’s at my mercy, and at my mercy is my favorite position. His cock slaps against my pussy as if it’s knocking on heaven’s door, begging for access. I shift on my knees, lining him up at my entrance.

Thomas groans from the corner, rubbing his hardened bulge over his pants. “Come on, man,” he begs. “She can take me in her ass or something.”

“No,” Cole barks. “I don’t want your dick anywhere near me.”

I give Thomas a pouty lip. “Aw. Maybe next time.”

Not that there’s going to be a next time. Cole isn’t my type. His body’s nice, but his head is empty and his personality is shit. He’s a conquest, not unlike a guy putting notches in his bedpost. He’s a body to tackle for status. This situation presented itself while changing in the girl’s locker room. The catty cheerleaders were their cunty selves, bragging about the caliber of their hookups…like they had golden pussies or something. They told me I could never pull someone like Cole.

Challenge accepted.

All boys ever want is one thing. That little gem of insight was from my dad. If you have a banging body and a keg of cheap beer, just about anything is possible. Throw in a blow torch with that winning combination, and I’d have world domination under my belt.

Shouts and whoops sound as Kendrick Lamar’s “Swimming Pools” blares through the speakers. The party rages in the living room, around the passed-out form of my mother on the couch. It usually takes a few hours before some jackass gets the bright idea to draw a mustache on her face with a permanent marker. That happened once, and she woke up in the middle of me scrubbing it off. Once she was somewhat coherent and realized her drugs were missing, she accused me and the partygoers of stealing them. As if I didn’t clearly see her swallow her meager amount of oxy all in one gulp.

I adjust my grip on Cole’s dick, he’s a bit longer than average, and his girth is impressive. Maybe this will be enjoyable? I hold back a snicker at my foolish thinking. He’s another dumb jock that’s never had to worry about getting his dick wet. He has more groupies lining up to get him off than a movie theater has nerds waiting to see the next Marvel movie. His skin is soft as I rub his head through my arousal—probably the only thing soft about him besides his ego—and sink down onto the tip. He sucks in a sharp breath, and my chest expands like a hot air balloon. Pride fills me with the fact that I can extract this reaction from the star quarterback. It’s a little unexpected, but it speaks to the little girl in me who wants to be significant to someone as important as Cole. I glance at his face, which is turning red from using his neck muscles to prop his head up, but he doesn’t notice. He’s zoned in on where we’re connected. His pupils are blown out completely, swallowing the hazel color of his irises.

“Fuck, Sway. You’re so fucking hot on top.” He says this all without ever looking at my face. He’s transfixed on our joining, and I’m okay with that. This was never about love or affection of any kind. This is about control and power.

“Oh yeah?” I’m in control of this, and I need him to know it, so I straighten my thighs a bit so he’s no longer inside me. There’s a bead of precum leaking from his dick like it’s crying to be let back through my pearly gates. From his reaction, I bet he’s never had to endure a bit of edging. Ever so slowly, I sink back down, seductively, working him in. “You like the school tramp taking control, don’t you, Mr. Big Star Quarterback?” I tease as his calloused hands grip tighter around my thighs. He knows as much as I do what people say about me. I’m a whore. Sleaze. Trailer trash. Here I am, living rent-free in their heads while I couldn’t give two shits. Fuck all of them. Besides, it comes in handy for dirty talk.

“Yes, Sway. I love taking out the trash.” The muscles in his neck strain as he attempts to thrust into me. Ah, yes…mercy is the best position.

With the tip of my finger, I push down on his sternum, essentially signaling him to stop his shit. “Nuh, uh, uh, Cole. This is for me. Not you.”

A growl rumbles from his chest, and I practically feel it vibrate in my core. Not gonna lie, I felt it in my clit, too, and I bite my bottom lip at the unexpected pleasure. If a crack in his demeanor elicits this response, I’m about to fuck with him so much more.

“Just take him already.” His friend pleads from the corner. Apparently, Thomas is feeling the frustration of my edging as well. I peer at him from under my lashes and discover his hand gripping the rod that’s trying to bust through its owner’s jeans. It reminds me of that movie where the alien pops out of that dude’s chest. What’s the name of that movie? With the alien?

It’s Alien. Swayze, you idiot.

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