Page 14 of These Family Ties

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“What do you mean, dangerous?” she asked, just like I knew she would.

“I, um, meant that I go on big construction sites where fatalities have happened so it’s dangerous to go on them,” I stammered through.

She looked half convinced. I took her face in my hands and kissed her. She loosened up some. I knew I needed to stop this affair, but it was so damn hard. I won’t even bring up how many, if not all of the people in her life would tell her I’m taking advantage, or that I’m a predator. The girl has suffered enough, she did not need to add this kind of lemon juice to wound.


This was never what I expected. Now, I am fucking my uncle. The more disgusting our love becomes, the more I needed his sinful touch to satiate me. I look at him and I start aching deep inside. I do not think I can stand to be away from him.

I needed to convince him that he has to stay or take me with him. Fuck. I did have it bad. I made fun of women like this. I had the Cinderella complex. Uncle Tracker swooped in, dark and mysterious, and I flagged him as my Prince Charming. I was a hot mess.


I decided to take a walk. The city was bustling. Shops had customers swarming in them. I needed new bras but I didn't want to fight the crowds.

I was getting ready to walk past one of the many churches on my route when I saw a beautiful woman holding a Bible. She had dark, dark skin, and dark hair that flowed down her back. Her chestnut eyes sparkled as she appeared to be reading from it. Then before I walked by her, she started singing in a soft melodious voice. “You need Jesus in your life, you need Jesus in your life…” just over and over again.

I didn't stop because she seemed so authentic, and I didn't want her to look at me like her next cause. My mother took me to church regularly as a child, my father opting to stay home as he wasn't a believer.

Sometimes we would have visiting Preachers. I didn't care for the Preacher of the church, he seemed to only care about money in the name of the church. Even as a child I knew that was wrong. But the visiting Preachers, they believed in what they were preaching, and that, that I loved. I could listen to them preach all day.

The woman reminded me of them. You could tell she believed in her gospel. It was refreshing.

I stood around the corner listening to her for awhile feeling better. Feeling like my old self, before the accident, before my tryst with Uncle Tracker.


Having this job was a good thing for me. I liked to work; it kept me honest. Waking up each day knowing I had something to do was what kept me going. This particular guy that I was staking out how to put a particular droll routine on. He went the same way to work every day then came the same way home every day never veering from his path. He ordered his groceries delivered to his front door and he ordered takeout in. The four days I followed him, he never broke from this routine.

I never let myself think about who these marks were, I just went with the program and did my job. When you let yourself start to think, that's when the problems started, and I didn't need any problems. Of course, my mind kept slipping back to Cait. I didn't want it to, but she had somehow wedged herself into my psyche. No way was I gonna say she was inside my heart. I wasn't allowing that. She could have my soul all she wanted, but she wasn't getting a piece of my heart.

I needed to quit thinking about her, though, or I might make a mistake. I did not make mistakes; I only did my job the way it was supposed to be done. The correct way to do a job was to get it done cleanly and get out of sight before anyone ever noticed that you were there. The way for that to happen was for me to use a gun with a silencer. Every once in a while, the buyer would ask for something special, some kind of special torture that they would want for the person getting my undivided interest. I would do whatever was necessary to get them the closure they needed, and they would know I did it because I could record the process with a body cam. With this technology, they got their proof of death, and how I got my payment.

This guy was a simple shoot and dip. I have been watching him all evening as he sat on his sofa watching TV. Poor sap has no idea he would never know how the movie ended. I pulled the trigger after making sure my body cam was recording. The silent death sentence burst through the screen of the open window undetected. He slumped over, his half-drunk bottle of cheap beer spilling onto the floor.

It was another successful job, and I could go back to see Cait. Not that I had to, of course, just that I fucking wanted to. My adrenaline had spiked, causing my dick to harden. Thoughts of Cait’s taut body bent over the island in her kitchen, her perfect, young ass in the air, her pussy dripping with my come, had me lightheaded.

It scares me to know my darkness may rub off on her, so I will be careful. But for now, I will throw caution to the wind.

Chapter Five


The last few months have been a whirlwind. He comes home from his jobs with that same dark look in his eyes, then I occupy every minute he is home. Life is more than sex, but we have such magnificent chemistry, why wouldn't we fuck like rabbits.

Why shouldn't we? Fuck it. Forget about Prince Charming. I went for the wolf. He gnashes his teeth, he sees me better, and, oh dear lord, does he eat me better. He makes my soul sing. And we play sweet fucked up music together. When I told him this, he answered with; “You're beautiful Princess, but how you bring me to my knees annihilates me.”

I will gladly take that compliment. He is the best lover I have ever had. He makes me feel safer than I could have ever predicted. Except when he gets ready for a job. I see the darkness seeping into him. His whole body morphs into this aphotic being. His eyes almost look, well, dead. I feel sorry for the construction workers he is going to reprimand. I would shit my pants if someone who looked like him came to my job site to fire me, or whatever it was he did. He looks so imposing.

I hated that he left me for so long. This next job he was going to will have him gone for at least two weeks, could be longer. That was like a gut punch to me. What was I supposed to do? Sit around and be worried?

Fuck that.

I'm going with him.

I took time off work and I'm ready to do something.


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