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Holding up my phone, I winked at Elissa, who took it from me and read the text. Her nose screwed up and she frowned, shaking her head violently.

“That is so fucking weird, Lola,” she spat, “please, block the guy and leave!”

A surge of heat warmed my cheeks as she looked at me, her eyes pleading. Okay, so she was genuinely concerned about the creepiness of the text. That was fair. And yet, my heartbeat had increased, and my palms had perspired… in excitement.

“Okay, okay.” Taking my phone off her, I tucked it away. “I’ll let him know that I’m leaving because he’s coming across a bit stranger danger. He’ll back off and I’ll go on my merry way.”

Like hell I would.

Elissa’s breath released and she lifted the corners of her pretty lips before looking over my shoulder. “And you don’t mind me being a dick? I can stay with you instead of being spit-roasted.”

My blast of laughter made her jump as I pushed her playfully.

“Please,” I said, glancing around her to look at the two men, who waited patiently. “Go and have fun.”

Tapping my nose affectionately, she blew me a kiss and reversed, almost tripping over one of the men’s feet. He caught her, scooping her up into his arms and also blowing me a kiss – without his hand – as they left.

Well. There she went, all happy and shit, ready to get laid… twice. Sorrow that often reared its ugly head flooded my chest and I got up from my seat, ready to call it a night. Elissa had been right. I sometimes got hit on – although it wasn’t very often due to my fuck off vibe – so I couldn’t exactly say that I wasn’t desired by some men. However, I didn’t just want a quick fuck. As much as I moaned about being a virgin, I genuinely wanted someone who could touch me deeper than an emotionless one-night stand. Someone who could help me to actually feel beyond the pain of abandonment.

The noise of the bar was loud in my ears as I pushed myself through the crowd and surged through the door. A breath released from my lungs as the fresh air sucked the bar noise out of my ears and the city sounds of London filled them instead.

My phone almost dropped to the ground as I fumbled to call a cab. It was time to go home and sleep off the four wines that had made my head fuzzy. The text from Joseph was still on the screen, glaring up at me in all its brightness.

There was something about the man that had drawn me in. His eyes had spoken to me unlike any young man who had tried it on. There were things that he knew that went soul deep, and fuck me, I wanted to go there. I wanted to see what game my boss played. I wanted to be a willing participant.

Before I could regret it, I typed out a reply to Joseph. He had offered me an opportunity, one that I was completely oblivious to. And yet, my insides churned, ready for the game.

I can’t wait for you to show me what you’ve got. I replied. Somehow, I think I’m going to enjoy it.

Chapter Four

Drums played in my brain, vibrating against my skull. Whose idea had it been to down three vodkas when I’d stumbled into my flat last night, anyway? Oh yeah, mine. Because, why not? Elissa had gone with her guys – I’d had one update when I’d awoken, just to say that she was sore, lucky girl – so I had the whole place to myself.

Except, now I was at the office, wrestling with the front door as it tried to shut on me. A masculine hand appeared, holding the handle so I could push my way through. Smiling, I called a thank you as the young man waved and jogged on, going about his day. It was a shame he’d left so soon; I could’ve stared at his arse all day.

“Morning, Lola,” the maintenance guy greeted me as I walked through the corridor and to my office door.

Clinging to my files, my coffee cup and my four pack of doughnuts, I smiled again. Yes, there was the – I’m not hungover and about to have a feast in my office – smile.

“Morning, Fred.” Taking out my keys, I fumbled until I’d managed to get the door unlocked.

The block was an old run-down building with several small offices over two floors. Mine was right near the front entrance, which served me perfectly. Who wanted to traipse through long corridors and up dingy stairs to reach an ugly office? Much better that I was near the front, just in case a fire broke out.

I just about managed to get through the door before my files tumbled to the floor. Several expletives escaped before I remembered that Fred, a middle-aged man with a kind demeanour, could hear me. Nice way to represent Hunter Designs. Hi, I’m Lola Preveley and I swear like a fucking trooper.

Sighing, I kicked the door closed and headed for my desk, ignoring the pile of papers that had spewed on the floor. Oh well, it wasn’t like anyone was going to see my sloppy mess any–

I froze, my hand in mid-air where I’d been about to sip on my coffee. On my desk was a vase of gorgeous red and white roses with a big box of Belgian chocolates leant up against it. A fizzle of unease made me creep forward. The handwritten note that was lying on the desk made me lick my lips. I’d seen that handwriting many times before.

Lola, it started, the script almost romantic in its scrawl, thank you for giving me the chance to show you why working for Hunter Designs will be the best decision you’ve ever made.

A genuine smile finally pulled my lips, and I picked up the box of chocolates, flipping it over to admire the flavours. What girl didn’t love chocolate and flowers? Especially from a boss who had been neglecting them.

“Why, thank you, Mr Joseph Hunter, I’ll eat them until I explode.”

Dumping my doughnuts on the small counter, I flicked the radio on and cracked open the delicious treats, munching on them as I danced around the office, giddy with an undercurrent of excitement that I couldn't quite explain. I had stuffed three into my mouth when the phone rang, blinking Joseph’s name up at me from where it sat on the desk. Ah crap.

Scrambling, I chewed and swallowed, almost choking as I pressed the answer button.

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