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My fuzzy head cleared and my mood brightened. Ah yes, I’d been telling her about the elusive Joseph Hunter. “He’s approaching middle-age with grey in his beard and around the temples. You know, the distinguished look. Quite frankly, he’s fucking god-like, even if he is seventeen years older than me.”

My laugh caught the attention of hot biker man and he smiled, clearly amused by what I’d just said. He was probably early thirties, which was still ten years my senior. Huh, apparently I appreciated an older man.

“You’re like a bitch in heat.” Flicking her hair again, Elissa took a big gulp of wine. “So, he’s not a homely man, like you suspected?”

The image of Joe – yep, I would call him Joe from now on, it was easier – came into my mind and I smiled. “Hell no, he’s solid.”


“Uh huh.” Throwing my head back, I downed my drink, jumping when biker guy brushed my hair with his jacket. “That’s the most action I’ve had in months.”

Pointing to her eyes, Elissa frowned at me. “Concentrate. Solid? What exactly does that mean?”

Oh, we were still talking about my boss. Yes… I was drunker than I’d realised, my thoughts rushing all over the place.

“His muscles live on top of other muscles, and they were visible through his clothes. His jeans were fitted well, not too tight or baggy. He looked more like a workman than a designer. I’d so do him.”

My mouth clamped shut as Elissa gaped at me, her eyes wide. “You, my dear, need to get laid. You’re showing signs of V-stress.”

“V-stress? What now?” I couldn’t quite work out what she meant. Vagina stress? Was that a thing when it wasn’t being used?

“Virgin stress,” she whispered, patting my hand gently. “It’s clear that you’re craving someone to give it to you.”

“Is it that obvious?” I lowered my voice. “I’ve never heard of V-stress and as immature as it sounds, it’s so true. I’m doomed to live out my fantasies through books.” Placing the back of my hand on my forehead, I feigned old-fashioned distress.

“I mean, you have been quite fussy...” Nodding her head, Elissa smiled over my shoulder. “...but you’re clearly desperate if you’re thinking of your boss in this way. Not that it matters now that you’ve quit.”

Holding up a finger, I opened my mouth to speak. “Ermm… about that…”

“Elissa?” a young man interrupted my confession, coming around me to kiss Elissa on the cheek.

Phew, at least Miss Judgement over there would stop probing. What was the big deal? Yes, my boss was gorgeous, but it didn’t mean anything.

Another man joined his friend as they chatted to Elissa. She introduced them as guys from Uni and they all giggled, looking a little flushed.

“What’s your name?” one of the men asked me, leaning in… wait, no, he was losing his balance and just using the back of my stool to right himself. Of course.

“I’m Lola.” My phone buzzed, drawing my attention away from the drunken men.

Glancing down, I read the name that popped up on my screen. Joseph. Oh, that was strange. I’d never had a text from my boss. Like, ever.

My fingers fumbled to open the message. Lola, it was delightful to meet you today. You’re an extremely talented woman and I cannot wait to spend more time trying to persuade you to stay. I hope I can stop you from saying no.

A fizz of excitement danced down my spine. There was nothing untoward in the message, although the last bit was a little cryptic. Almost like a game. Was my boss playing a game with me? Or was I drunk and stupid, reading into something that wasn’t there?

“Lola?” Elissa called, waving her hand in front of my eyes.

The men watched me, fake smiles planted on their faces. I snapped out of it and smiled back, realising that someone must have asked me a question.

“Do you mind if I go?” she said, giggling as she glanced at both men. “We have some memories to relive together, if you get what I mean?”

My eyes blinked rapidly as I nodded slowly. She was going to leave me, in the middle of a bar, to go and fuck two men. Two men! She couldn’t even share one of them? Wait, I didn’t want a man who wasn’t interested in me, and by the excited looks on their faces, they were happy to be sharing one woman. Some peoples’ kinks baffled me, they really did.

“Go.” I waved a hand and grinned manically, just to force them to leave me alone.

The men placed their drinks on the bar and turned to leave. Elissa hung back, grabbing my arm and squeezing. “I’m so sorry, I’ll make it up to you.”

“It’s fine,” I replied, pouting playfully. “I’ve got my boss to talk to, he just messaged.”

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