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Waving a hand, I tried to push his chest, to urge him to go on. He refused, looking down at me with a frown before scooping me up in his arms.

“Woah!” I cried as he pushed on, holding me in a cradle carry. “I can walk, you know.”

A chuckle shook his chest, pushing his hard pecs into my breasts. The friction, although light, sent a pulse of desire to my core. Shit, even in a crisis, he turned me on.

“I like carrying you,” he said, a cocky grin coming to his face, “makes me feel all man.”

Laughing, I shook my head before relaxing against him. Well, if he wanted to be my personal taxi, I wasn't going to stop him. Plus, we'd help the other person quicker if I wasn't tagging behind.

“Can you hear her?” he asked me a few moments later.

I'd been enjoying the fast beat of his heart vibrating against my head, but his question brought me back to reality and the reason we were running through the woods in the first place. “No, I haven't heard it again.”

Joe stopped and we listened, our heads moving when a crunch of leaves erupted from our right. A deer stopped dead, staring at us. The pretty little thing had its ears twitching as it listened, waiting to see if we were a threat. My heartbeat increased when a loud grunt rent the air and we turned to our left. A huge stag with antlers the size of a small tree came hurtling towards us, his head bowed. I screamed as Joe tried to jump out of the way, barely making it as the stag ran for the female.

Joe stumbled as his breath hissed and we toppled to the ground. My face crashed into the dirt and I spluttered as leaves entered my mouth. Flicking my hair back, I sat up and spat them out. The stag had continued on, chasing the female as she bolted, trying to get away from him. Thank goodness he'd had a hard on for the girl, otherwise he might have tried to have another go at us.

“That's a relief,” I said, turning to Joe, “at least he won't hurt us... now.”

The last part of my sentence gasped out as I turned to Joseph. He was clutching his leg, his face pulled hard in a cringe. Shit, he was in pain and a red stain was spreading on the leg of his jeans.

“He got you?” I asked, thrusting towards him and kneeling next to his injured leg.

Gritting his teeth, Joe nodded and lifted the torn denim. A long deep gash ran across the back of his calf. I covered my mouth as the wound seeped blood, which dribbled down his leg. Luckily, it wasn't a really deep cut, but the bastard stag had certainly caused some damage.

“Shit,” I said, standing up and taking my coat off.

“What are you doing?” he snapped, frowning up at me. “You'll freeze.”

I ignored the cold as I swiped my T-shirt over my head and tried to rip the bottom of it, just like I'd seen in the movies. My top must have been stitched a lot better than I thought because the bloody thing wouldn't tear.

“Give it here.” Flicking his hand, he snatched the shirt from me while I put my coat back on, zipping it up as far as it would go. “As much as I'd like to see you tend to me in your bra, you better get warm.”

Using his teeth, he tore a strip of material off the bottom of the T-shirt. Oh man, my little heart fluttered and my insides warmed. He was super fucking hot, ripping shit with his teeth. He could take chunks out of me when we were out of the woods.

“Let me,” I said, taking the makeshift tourniquet from him and bending down to his leg.

Tying the material just below his knee, I pulled hard, almost struggling to get the thing tight enough around his thick muscle. He winced and sucked in a breath, laughing when I apologised.

“It's fine,” he said, taking my hand and stroking my thumb, “You've done a great job. Now, let me get up.”

Pushing down on the ground with his fists, Joe managed to manoeuvre himself into a stand. His jaw was solid as he tried to take a step, groaning when more blood oozed from the wound and down his leg. Grabbing hold of him,I tried to support his weight. He looked down at me from under his arm, smiling gently before trying to put his foot down again. His knee buckled and we both fell to our knees.

“No offence, my little one, but I’m much heavier than you.” Clenching his jaw, he tried to stand again, but only managed to hobble to a nearby log.

Sitting, he shook his head and cursed. “Fucking stag.”

“That’s probably exactly what he’s doing right now,” I quipped, checking my phone again. “I’ll have to ring for an ambulance.”

Holding up his hand, he cleared his throat. “No, I don’t want to waste their time and resources. Just give me a minute and I’ll be okay.”

“Shall I go back to the car and ring someone? Maybe your mother? Do you have a brother?” Stepping towards the trees we'd come through, I paused, waiting for his answer.

“No,” he said, “no brother. I'm not letting you go back on your own.”

“What are you going to do to stop me?” Raising my eyebrows, I started to backtrack.

“Lola!” he shouted, his cheeks going bright red, “do not disobey me!”

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